00:35:059 (35059|0) - It feels awkward when played, and the reason I think this is because after hearing a loud sound at 00:35:059,
00:35:130 - the main melody at 00:35:130,
00:35:201 - the vocal sample at 00:35:201, it sounded like an awkwardly long release.
To resolve the awkwardness, I think extending the release at 00:35:201 (35201|2) to 00:35:344 - or 00:35:415 - and giving it a flow like 1234 -> 4321 4321 would solve the issue.
The expert difficulty also felt this way,
└ In sections like 01:21:279 - 01:29:700 - 01:59:174 -
01:50:928 (110928|2,110928|3) - The double feels awkward; how about starting with an LN single?
02:09:306 (129306|1,129306|0) - One of them should have a release up to 02:09:569 - as I feel it should be there.
02:07:858 (127858|1,127990|2,127990|3,128385|1,128516|2) - It felt awkward because a similar structure that was placed here was missing.
└ Same suggestion for the expert difficulty