00:11:452 (4,5,1,2,3) - this pattern would work better @ 00:05:452 - since sound at 00:11:452 - is a lot less prominent than vocals / trumpet
00:38:264 (1,2) - could ctrl + g and make 00:39:014 (2,3) - a 1/2 slider to so vocal layer being focus is clearer
same @ 00:44:264 - 01:03:764 - 01:09:764 -
00:41:827 (1,2,3,4,5) - could try to add smth on these circles. idk like drum-whistle or smth just to make sure u tried to do smth with this stream than leave it with no hs
01:22:514 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - spacing buildup could be more noticeable to represent the vocal incresendo but I'd also recommend you 01:22:889 (4,1,4) - use more spacing for these and differentiate the spacing from the previous circles of each slider