(❔) 『 OD/HP 』
(✔️) 『 File 』
(✔️)《 Metadata 》
(✔️)Artist : Polyphia
(✔️)Romanised Artist : Polyphia
(✔️)Title : ABC feat. Sophia Black
(✔️)Romanised Artist : ABC feat. Sophia Black
(✔️)Source : x
(✔️)《 Tags 》
《 Meta Link 》
Now : MP3, 128kbps, 2.432mb
= Recommend to change this audio file.
FLAC -> OGG q6 convert, 208kbps , 3.78mb
Bpm / Offset : 140 / 100 will be good if u use this new audio
[ BG Size ]
Now : 1920 x1080 , 1.67mb , PNG.
= can reduce img size through jpg, download at here
1920x1080, JPG, 329kb
[ HS Delay 』
= Good
[ Metadata ]
[ Artist ]
( O ) Polyphia
[ Romanised Artist ]
( O ) ^
[ Title ]
( O ) ABC feat. Sophia Black
[ Romanised Title ]
( O ) ^
[ Language ]
= English
[ Genre ]
= Pop
[ Now Tags ]
japanese english pop prog metal vocal rock tim henson and the boys remember that you will die progressive clay gober aeschliman scott lepage pokatetris agllius xytoper kyrian
[ remove tags below ]
pokatetris agllius xytoper kyrian -> maybe other set's contributor ig
[Paste this] = japanese english pop prog metal vocal rock tim henson and the boys remember that you will die progressive clay gober aeschliman scott lepage
[ OD/HP ]
Now : 7.2 , 7.2 / 8 , 8 / 7.4 / 8.6
Good to change 7 , 7 / 8 , 8 / 7.5 , 8.5
od set to 7.5 at last diff cuz last diff has high ln release ratio.