Hello, I suggest you adding both "hyper" and "pop" separately in the tags so its easier to search (plus hyperpop is a subgenre of pop so it makes sense to add it in the tags)
To ring metronome sound correctly when using NC mod, you have to put red line on 00:04:405 - .
It's not necessary, but I thought I should let you know that you still haven't added the red line.
Thanks for your notifying Red Riding Hood,
Mapper should put RED line like this: https://imgur.com/a/khOOIXs
Unfortunately, due to a bug, this caused some of the notes and green lines to become unsnapped. The only notes you should have to resnap are in the Kantan, as those are unrankable. However, I suggest resnapping all of the green lines in all difficulties correctly to ensure that the SVs and kiais are correct.
You can add any of these tags.
heiswe hyper pop fa featured artist
You could look at how other people's maps and learn from them
My first time experience mapper modding my map , this is her feedback 「我只有大概的看一下有問題可以再提出來~Oni和Inner我覺得有點難寫feedback,就不寫了,可能用講的或是直接看別人的ranked圖會比較好理解。繼續加油-w-! 」Translated into English, it means 「oni and inner oni. It is a bit difficult to write feedback. It will be easier to understand if you directly look at other people's ranked maps.」The ranked map referred to here does not necessarily refer to this song. Look at other people’s maps. It’s just to learn from experience. Try to map already ranked maps and compare them to see the differences between you. This will be better than others giving you suggestion. This is also my experience. hope you can understand what i want to say
Too high or low background resolution.
"unnamed.jpg" couldn't be checked, so you'll need to do that manually.
"Meaningless" is just an adjective, please don't take it to heart
If slider velocity changes are in use, they should correspond to pacing changes in the song. That means not speeding up calm parts, or slowing down fast paced parts of a song. (by RC https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/zh-tw/Ranking_criteria/osu!taiko)
What I want to express is that SV should be based on the strength of music rather than aesthetics.
Trying something out now.
Edit: bumped it up to 3.52. trying to aim for 4 stars at least.
Edit 2: Oh boy, we're getting somewhere. 3.85 rn. Forgot that onis can go up to 9 notes a 1/4 stream, not 7.
Edit 3: "any 1/4 stream longer than 5 notes should avoid complicated color changes uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh screw this im just gonna remap the chorus with 1/6 notes. If i get called out for it, i don't know what to do at this point.
Edit 4: OH MY GOD IT WORKED 4.36 stars. now to check mapset verifier
Edit 5: It's saying too long without rest moments, but it's counting in doubles, since a 16 bar segment says it's a 32 bar. So hopefully that's something to clear up. Other than that, (and me using 1/8 notes, just two like the criteria says) it should be ok unless someone states otherwise. (4.15*)