mapped by kamaboko117
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00:11:891 (50,51) - idk if it's intentional or not but this is missnapped. Either (dk) from 00:11:913 or (ddk) starting at 00:11:868


went for (ddk) option

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:13:565 - 00:26:422 I would suggest increasing density. While I understand you want to keep it easier than the other kiais since this is the first one and early in the song, this feels too low in density for a kiai imo. Most of it is 1/2 with only 2 7plets


added more triplets, hopefully this is good enough, cause i don't really know how to add more 5tuplets / 7tuplets to this part without it feeling a bit unnatural

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:22:940 (7) - do something with this patterns so it finishes with a k for consistency


consistency with what? 00:16:511 - doesn't this also end with d? also i think d works better with the drum here


d sounds better i agree


keeping d then

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:26:422 - changing this to D would better represent the pitch difference and intensity drop of the song


00:52:002 - could change to k for similar reasons, it works better as a transition to a new section imo


00:26:422 agree. it was also D inthe other diffs
00:52:002 also agree
applied both

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:37:940 - could add notes for improv like 00:31:511. dkddk works pretty well


alright, applied with d k d d k

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:45:841 - personally don't think this triplet works well here, would emphasize the crash sound better by changing 00:45:708 to finisher and leave a 1/1 break afterwards


agree, done

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:57:627 - could add note for the drum sound, I think it works well for the intensity buildup


00:55:216 - similar


yes, added d for all 4

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

00:59:770 (236) - Ok so here with feels wrong is the kkkk in this pattern
I tried things but I think to fix it you can rework it as a : ddkkddkdkkd

Like that it would fit better and the player switch hand to play the next pattern -w-)b


same problem at 02:10:484 (823) -


pattern works, just kinda concerned that it ends with d. applied for now

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

01:08:074 (332) - feels weird to play this short section what I recommand is:

01:08:475 (337) - put this note as a k
01:08:676 (339) - this one as well


applied to all 3 kiais

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

01:19:926 (459) - this as a k because it's too repetitive with 01:18:252 (443) -

Overall kdd is a pattern that I find really annoying to play, especially at high bpm. But what I think this pattern reveals is that you emphasizes the wrong note, look what i'm saying:

01:18:319 (444) - see this exact note? Put it here: 01:18:185. You now got a ddk with emphasazing the the last note as we do in taiko.
Now that you got this patterning rework what comes next to follow the melody

In the future: if you put a kdd try to check if it really does represent the song, can you rework the pattern and it still works without kdd? If it doesn't do what we just did and you got your response.


other kdd as 01:24:681 (508) are fine, just don't put many in the same section

Marked as resolved by Issuko

why did i mark it as resolved

Reopened by Issuko

"as we do in taiko" bro thinks im an std mapper 💀
i did change 01:19:926 - to add some variation, however i will not be moving 01:18:319 - to 01:18:185 - since to me this just changes the emphasis from the drums to the vocals. Obviously that also works but i think you're only suggesting that because you're a kdd HATER imo. kdd is based
That being said, i do agree there are a lot of kdd patterns in the map and i don't mind changing some more if you have others to point out

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

01:21:199 - since you've been emphasizing the snare+crash sounds with k, ddd or ddk (vocals on third note) here would fit the song better since there's no such sound here


true, went for ddd for a smoother transition with next pattern. did the same on 2nd kiai

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

01:53:743 & 01:59:569 - I'd suggest removing these for a less dense section. The music structure is similar to 00:39:279, and although difficulty progression is fine, I feel like these are a bit excessive and is too dense. Removing these still keeps the progression as well



Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

03:13:565 - 03:26:422 this section is put as kiai while this one isn't 01:24:279 - 01:37:136. They feel exactly the same to me so I would suggest to make it consistent. Imo you could remove kiai in the second instance and up the density a bit in the first one


applied as of #4232050/11277514

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

03:17:716 (1379) - something is off here I think
try ddkdkkddk?


sure, tried it and can't remember what i had before so applied

Marked as resolved by kamaboko117

03:18:185 - could remove this note since the 9plet feels excessive for a relatively calming section, especially when there's a triplet right after



Marked as resolved by kamaboko117