regarding 1941060#3708781, here's my suggestion for 01:42:064 - 01:52:652:
delete 01:42:417 & 01:42:946
delete 01:44:711
delete 01:45:240 (this creates our needed break)
delete 01:45:769 (important if you also applied 01:42:946 for consistency)
delete 01:47:534 , 01:47:887 and 01:48:240
delete 01:49:299
delete 01:51:064 & 01:51:417
applying gives you a nice density transition with the next section, and just makes more sense overall with the spread.
feel free to experiment other solutions
blabla ranking criteria blabla breaks.
my suggestion:
delete 00:15:064
delete 01:23:358 and move 01:23:534 -> 01:23:711
delete 01:35:887 (or 01:36:769 ? (or find a different solution here))
01:42:064 - 01:52:652 needs a break but atm i think this whole section needs to be nerfed: this part should be less dense than the rest of the map to better represent the song. refer to 1941060#3708789
delete 01:58:828 & 01:59:181
delete 02:21:417
delete 02:32:711
01:10:745 (331) - this is good
01:11:980 - removed here
01:13:039 (346) - added kat here
01:13:216 - did a break here
01:14:274 (354) - yes
01:14:274 (354) - yes switch to kkk
01:14:274 (354) - yes
01:14:274 (354) - removed
02:16:745 (41) - added
02:26:804 (35) -
02:40:745 (123) - it's fine like it is
02:45:863 (154) - good
I'll get to each point:
these are good suggestions, just try to get justifications even for small color change like d->k / k->d
please also use the timeline section for you to get a better workflow, and for other modders to know if they are not modding the same thing.