jveu vrm resT à ta maison koi
my jubeat brother
Lovely SB, good patterning, really nice job congrats
really fun!
Really good 8* fun to play
01:18:922 (331,332,333,334,335) - kdkkd works well imo
why did i mark it as resolved
same problem at 02:10:484 (823) -
other kdd as 01:24:681 (508) are fine, just don't put many in the same section
As it is the same for every kiai
01:59:636 (494) - same I think
01:30:708 (247) - I can understand if you don't want a finisher here but I put this mod just in case you forgot one
Forgot to do justifications but it's because you have a note that represents nothing in the song (from what I have heard) And then you could add a note to follow the melody.
I assume you were talking about 1 tick later, works better for the player now -w-)b
Wow, never seen this good job