at the beginning if you do a tight circle like this then the player will notice an imediate difference in intensity. Suddenly they move from microflicks to like cross screen flicks, The triangle in the top corner represents 1 6 and 9, they flick in and out of the circle to hit those triangle notes, this emphasizes those louder high notes and jumpscares the player when they start playing the next section 00:22:301 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
this is just an example... my general point is getting the beginning enclosed tight and less intense and expansive as the rest of the song because it's way less intense... Idk I feel like something should be done to make the player expect less before the big jump scare... what you have kinda feels like it prepares them even if you didn't intend to...
00:23:465 (5) - these 5's reflect a similar noise to one you express with a wave right here: 00:34:133 (1) - Maybe move the 5s so that they kind of reflect that or change the slider after you change 5 and make the slider reflect what pattern you made with 5... i.e. make the slider like a point that just slides back:
00:33:466 (1,2,3) - this 2 is closer to 3 than to 1, if you intended this, make it clear with a distinct overlap like move 3 closer to 2 in a 70 30 kind of overlap and less like a 40 60, because it kinda feels messy and not really well thought out..
00:38:299 (1,1) - you don't do this overlap very often so this doesn't really look that good... subjective or not I would shoot for consistency, bc how can something be a concept without it repeating at least a couple of times... If you want this I would make more overlaps like that, if you don't take it away don't leave it there...
you make another one here: 00:53:633 (1,1) - so it's fine but I would make it clear that they are the same overlap
01:25:632 (3,4) - should space these out since there is no indication that these are a different rhythm gap, ie 01:23:632 (5,6)
01:36:965 (5) - maybe add a cool slider here for this unique sound? its very underwhelming to just have a circle here imo
02:33:924 (1), 02:34:591 (1), 02:35:258 (1), should have these be a 1/6 slider since there is a clear double sound here, kinda underwhelming to not map it
02:36:258 (1), 02:41:758 (1) maybe add 1/8 reverses here? dont rlly know why you are chosing to ignore such a prominent sound...
intended a hard section before it therefore people will want to try to catch their breath after halfway done esp. fc so i will stay (+ remapped due to #4354661/11594723)
missed opportunities for weird things: 02:45:758 (2) 03:02:424 (1,1) 02:51:757 (1) 02:44:424 (1)
wanna add something to 03:02:424 (1,1) and all of that, not for other 3 due to #4354663/11594817 therefore i'll give ya a kudosu
03:10:424 - this section has good patterning, and if any of the sections were to have the curvy slider, curvy short streams it would be this one... I would use this section as a base patterning section for your other sections. Like if you are having trouble coming up with contrast, make patterns based off of the differences compared to the notes in this section
04:05:091 (1,2) - not rlly sure why you have this simple rhythm when the song doesn't change intensity from the previous, should continue your dense rhythm here
I've changed them to have 1 reverse to comply with similar rhythm here 04:10:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
04:10:757 (1,2,3) - increase spacing to emphasize the higher pitch compared to 04:10:424 (1,2,3)?
04:41:091 (1) - same noise as beautiful slider but doesn't reflect the slider shape or the pattern at all... something like a bulb shape would work... or literally copy paste slider and rotate it a bit...
04:49:091 (1) - same noise as 04:38:424 (1) different slider, good slider but choose 1 and make a collection of patterns from it
You see, same sound can be mapped with different sliders. I prefer to have a variety of shapes to pick from. This embraces expression and rich flow. I just look at what works and go for it.
can a slider really express a sound if it's not stylistically decisive and conceptually in tact
stylistically they are all the same, they are a cloud, but they are manipulated to represent different feelings from different sounds
There isn't that much of a neccessity in making each and every slider "represent" sound. Also i would say your cloud sliders are unrankable due to indistinguishable path. You're showcasing slow aesthetic sliders which is an entirely different thing. I get your idea, but i care more about flow and players' experience
05:08:757 - I think this entire section reflects a similar style to 05:11:841 (4,1) short sliders, stiff bodies, stop and flicky flow, etc. I suggest incorporating it more
05:11:841 (4,1) - lovely contrast same pattern this is a good example of what I was talking about, slider is short fast and you change cursor movement speed quickly to emphasize the stop and the stiffer noises
05:12:339 (1) - alr so we added this and decided to keep simple thing here between those 05:13:006 (3,1) - so it contrasts ueu)b