00:04:346 (3,1,2,3) - This part, this slider 00:04:346 (3) - is blocking the view of the incoming slider. I recommend that you lower or adjust this slider 00:04:346 (3) - to point the hitcircle then adjust the 00:05:570 (3) - closer to the previews slider to form some sort of triangle. if you don't get it something like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18913035/ec39 , https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18913036/dc87 . Also rearrange the sliders where they don't touch or overlap to one another.
00:08:019 - there's an apparent kick sound which is unmapped. I recommend placing a circle here to emphasise this sound. Afterwards you could move this slider closer to previous section 00:08:172 (1) to make it easier to hit.
Similar unmapped kick sound happens here 00:17:813.
Could remove the clap hitsound for the selected objects since the hi-hat cymbal isn't being used yet.
00:08:325 (2,2) - Normal difficulty.
00:02:816 (2,3,2,3,2,3,2,5,2,1,1,3,2,1,3,8) - Insane difficulty.
00:23:322 (1) - Move this slider a bit away from the previews slider to give some room at the center. Also at this part adjust every slider that are too close to the center away from it. the sliders get too cramped. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18913045/7c6b Like this.
00:30:973 (3) - This circle makes this section like a square. Try lowering it. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18913049/0456
00:36:329 (3) - You can move this circle a tiny bit to the right.
00:38:166 (2) - Tiny bit down
00:44:746 (1) - You can move this to the left to make it look like a rectangle
00:47:654 (6) - You can move this circle tiny bit up.
If you seen similar problems Adjust them now. But if you think these are already DS for you, then you do you. I'm just giving some suggestions .
00:44:746 (1) - Adjust this slider a bit to the right and make it match the distance of the incoming jumps.
00:45:358 (1,2,3) - you can rearrange (1,2,3) to (2,3,1) so your last note will be the slider going at the bottom and move this circle 00:46:276 (4) - this circle on the center where the slider is pointing. While youre at it, make 00:46:582 (1) - this slider point at the direction where the next circle is and adjust its position a bit higher.
https://disk.yandex.ru/d/CZC3DD3V3nCw-Q like this? actually idea of rearrange 1,2,3 to 2,3,1 is genuis bc it continues the flow of rectangle jumps
00:48:113 (2,3,4,5,6) - you can rearrange this star instead of (2,3,4,5,6) you do (3,4,5,6,2) bec if you end at the 6, the 6 circle is very close to the next slider with a 1 beat gap between them. So just move 2 as the last circle and the remaining four as the first one.
00:53:775, 00:58:672 - it sounds like there's one more sound present in those places. I recommend placing any additional object to emphasise those sounds.
Similar rhythm happens here 00:33:116 (3,4) - 00:38:013 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - but in those instances the sounds were mapped.