mapped by AbduSubasa
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01:26:466 - this entire section is non-stop 1/2 rhythm, despite being a non-kiai & slow section of the song making it feel a lot harder & straining for newer players to play

I highly suggest breaking up the rhythm in this section, something like removing some of the less prominent notes like 01:27:074 (1) - 01:30:317 (2) - etc & also maybe adding some 1/1 sliders 01:41:060 (3) - or smth along those lines

this will overall ease the strain going into the final kiai & make it more accessible to newer players, especially since this is the lowest difficulty on the set


I tried, I will update the diff and you can take a look if it's any better


Ej ej ej ej HP 5.5 normal diff to nije kul Abdu.

stavi 4



Marked as resolved by AbduSubasa