od 01:27:659 (4) - do 01:29:477 (5) - zvuci off beat, mislim da trebas stavit jedan red line na 01:27:659 (4) - koji je 62 bpm do 01:29:352 (4) - a onda od 01:29:352 (4) - do 01:30:386 (1) - ide tipa 52 bpm
Nemoj zaboraviti iskljuciti "Move already placed notes when changing the offset/BPM" jer to ce ti sve ostalo pokvarit
00:42:004 (1) - maybe stack this circle with 00:42:372 (2) - because the kick to give it more impact
01:09:830 (6,1) - These two objects need to be switched, so it goes like 'circle circle slider circle circle slider' instead of 'circle circle circle slider circle slider'. Idk I just find this to be weird to hear because the vocal starts at the end of the slider at 01:09:997 (1) -