00:01:359 (1359|2), 00:02:297 (2297|1), 00:03:234 (3234|0) - This should be 1/6 not 1/5. Hard diff maps it correctly.
て General Check て
(❌)===[ Audio Quality ]===
Current audio is 213 kbps .ogg, while maximum is 208 kbps
You can use this instead, which is 206 kbps:
No offset change required
(✅)===[ Offset/BPM ]===
Sounds good
(✅)===[ BG / Video ]===
2240 x 1440 @ 447 KB
(✅)===[ Hitsounds ]===
Hitnormal gaming
(❓)===[ Metadata ]===
Artist - IOSYS
Title - エンドレス・てゐマパーク
Romanized Title - Endless Tewi-ma Park
Source - 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
I just wanted to ask, is this an extended version of the original song? I could only really find the 2 minute version and want to double check if we need to use a marker or not.
(❌)===[ Tags ]===
Current Tags
東方Project touhou Kaeizuka toho project 2hu th 9 上海アリス幻樂団 team shanghai alice gengakudan 太田順也 Oota Jun'ya Junya ZUN video game music vgm 同人 doujin Tewima お宇佐さまの素い幡 Ousasama no shiroi hata White Flag of Usa Shrine 因幡 てゐ Tewi Inaba theme song boss 東方メレンゲ少女夜行 Merenge Shoujo Yakou Meringue Girl Night Flight IO-0186 博麗神社例大祭 hakurei jinja reitaisai 8 イオシス Dr. ARM 腕さん Ude-san Udesan 魔王 Maou Evil Lord 木村洋平 とろ美 toromi electronic remix arrange female vocal vocalist japanese pop jpop j-pop 電波ソング denpa song chordjack marathon
New Tags:
東方Project touhou Kaeizuka toho project 2hu th 9 上海アリス幻樂団 team shanghai alice gengakudan 太田順也 Oota Jun'ya Junya ZUN video game music vgm 同人 doujin Tewima お宇佐さまの素い幡 Ousasama no shiroi hata White Flag of Usa Shrine 因幡 てゐ Tewi Inaba theme song boss 東方メレンゲ少女夜行 Merenge Shoujo Yakou Meringue Girl Night Flight IO-0186 博麗神社例大祭 hakurei jinja reitaisai 8 イオシス Dr. ARM 腕さん Ude-san Udesan 魔王 Maou Evil Lord 木村洋平 とろ美 toromi electronic remix arrange female vocal vocalist japanese pop jpop j-pop 電波ソング denpa song chordjack marathon SHULIANNNNN
Also make sure to actually put them in the tags field and not just #4052913
(✅)===[ OD/HP ]===
Good progression (6.8 -> 9)
changed the audio
fixed the tags (add "SHULIANNNNN", and I also add 木村洋平's romanization: "Youhei Kimura")
put the tags in the tag field
pretty sure that it is just the original version:
The 1/3 snare feels really weird to play, and usually won't be the player's focus at this part when overwhelmed by the synth
For Normal/Advanced, I think a more natural approach would be to just remove the second chord, and for Hard/Hyper I would suggest 1/4 streams so it transitions to Lunatic
I have a funny suggestion, you can name the diffs this way -> TE -> TETE -> TETETE -> TETETETE etc. incrementally for all diffs (or Te)
the last diff will be called TETETETETETETETETETETE
P.S It's just a suggestion, so you have the right to decide whether you do it or not.