mapped by ThisYuzu
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Hype Train9 / 5
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01:00:147 - 01:19:895 - too long (from 48:2 to 64:3)
Suggest delete 01:01:654 (61654|2) - 01:04:066 (64066|1) - 01:08:890 (68890|0) - 01:11:302 (71302|1) - 01:13:715 (73715|2) -
They all after a double so I think these breaks are reasonable


Other kiai sections are similar to this


I understand your point, but I don't completely agree, since there are ranked maps that in their normal difficulties that is totally ignored, plus on my map I represent that only in the Kiai part and these are examples of what I mentioned, an "old" map and a more current one
my conclusion, for the moment I will not apply the suggestion, even so, I will take it into account in the future if necessary.

Marked as resolved by ThisYuzu