eZmmRfor Modding Hard & Insane diff + Praise Star_Jpop for the Hype Sillot for the Hype Desperta11 for the Hype Quinnie why for the Hype -Ryu- for the Hype, GD & HS menphissfor Modding Insane diff Usagi_for Modding Insane & Normal diff + Hype 1545940348for Modding Insane & Hard diff + Hype -Enma-for Modding Normal, Hard & Insane diff + Hype MrNeo2954 for the Hype Ly_toufor Modding Hard diff
-Updated insane difficulty, the previous difficulty (with the prenoun "Prev. Ver.") will be kept for a while to maintain it as a comparison to the current one if required