00:20:917 (3,4,5) - could u add some 1/4 dashes/hdashes for buildup this part? cuz sounds are going up.
00:38:383 (1) - You are currently skipping sound on 00:38:917 please shorten slider and add note on red tick
01:21:250 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - These should be in 1/3. Stuff @ 01:21:317 (5,6) could get a pass since of the kick noises, but 01:21:583 (7,8,9,10) doesn't have 1/4 noises that could work. Would also NC 01:21:583 (7) .
to make it feel less odd I think you could make 01:23:050 (6) and (5) a non-hyper and flip 01:23:183 (1,2,3,4). Proly have to adjust patterns afterwards
hmm not sure but i remember u did 3-3-2 on 01:23:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . Why now u changed 01:23:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - to be 2-2-4 pattern?
02:26:917 (3,4) - You could honestly add hdash here, just move the first two notes on middle