00:00:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - no sound here warrants this much spacing especially since its literally the first pattern and is kinda a jump scare lmao + is literally equal to the hardest part of the map in the kiai 01:10:703 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
giving same spacing as 00:06:692 (1,2,3,4) - would be so much better
00:01:983 (6) i think it can be extended to 00:02:332
like 00:03:378 (5)
00:10:181 (9) - tbh u could make this a lot more interesting than a regular reverse slider, the song is going crazy so its a good opportunity to use some more unique sliders
from mapset verifier:
00:11:160 - Slider head is snapped 4 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
00:34:707 - Slider head is snapped 3 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
00:54:939 - Slider head is snapped 4 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
01:07:149 - Slider head is snapped 3 ms before a line which would modify its slider velocity.
00:12:381 (6) - i would make this a slider imo, it's on the start of the new section so deserves more emphasis
00:24:132 (9) - I think you could emphasize this strong sound more, I'd probably make this a 1/2 slider and have a circle at the gap after, I think it could emphasize both vocals and drums
00:37:825 - This downbeat gets skipped. It's a strong sound, and it is also skipped in a way that may lead players to misclick 00:37:999 (7) - . Placing an NC there may work, but I'd just map the downbeat.
00:57:273 (4) - You could consider making 4 a slider, theres a distinct drum beat that starts at 4 and ends on the red tick, and having a slow slider here would probably give better feedback for the player
00:58:319 (4) - I'd also recommend making 4 the NC instead of 5, its where the phrase "uso ni something starts" (there is a change in jump flow) Plus theres not really any strong sounds at 5.
Im really confused on the NCs choice, since I can find you doing same things on other patterns like, 00:59:715 (6) -
Instead of having slider -> circle here 00:58:668 (2,3) - it would feel better imo to have circle -> slider. You could apply the linear jump here with the three vocals 00:58:319 (4,1,2) - and then have a slider starting on 00:58:843 for the vocal. That way you have the vocals on 00:58:843 and 00:59:191 (4) - emphasized with the sliders
01:05:819 (4,5,6,7) - while this is fine rhythm wise, it kinda lacks emphasis on the vocals. You could either:
01:06:866 (4,5,6) - should be these three grouped together and not 01:07:040 (5,6,7) - cause 01:06:866 (4,5,6) - go down in pitch then vocal goes back up in pitch on 01:07:389 (7) -
01:06:866 (1,2,3,4) - I don't think a linear jump fits here. i think the rhythm is much more complex than just a simple linear jump.
hold on im sorry, to reopen, I got the wrong time. I think if you just made 01:10:790 (3) a wide jump, it would fit the map more, since you already have alot of wide jumps emphasizing the noises on the kiai
01:12:011 (1,2,3,4) - this square is out of place, and also uncomfortable to play; with nothing in the music justifying it. You should make these sharp angles, like the jumps before it.
01:13:319 (2,3,4,5,6) - I would also switch this rhythm up a bit to follow vocals more since it feels awkward atm
maybe have slider -> circle -> circle -> circle -> slider
since there's a vocal on 01:13:668, 01:13:843, 01:14:017, 01:14:191
(could use your linear jump pattern for the 3 circles)
01:18:552 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - there's not really anything in the music to warrant the difference jump movement from the rest of the map. Would switch up rhythm a bit here too, but post is too long, so here: #3933726
Linear jumps would be much better used in a spot like 01:11:750 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - where the vocals are grouped into two groups of 3
could also use a linear thing here 01:06:866 (1,2,3) -
using the linear pattern here also fixes part of the spacing issue I posted here #3933722 since linear patterns are generally harder than sharp angle jumps, it can create some emphasis on the strong vocals there
I would switch up the rhythm a bit, 01:18:552 (1,2,3,1) - can be 2 sliders, and switch 01:19:249 (2,3,4,5) - to be circle -> circle -> circle -> slider to match the vocals here
01:19:533 (5,6) - circle -> slider instead of slider -> circle since you're following vocals here
01:20:056 (7) - since you use 2 circles here on insane diff, makes more sense to also do that on top diff
also follows vocals here if you do 2 circles
that would not really work since the ending starts to calm down after the kiai and the intensity will be toned down by alot. If I were to put many active notes such as the star jumps at the end, it will not indicate that the intensity has calm down so I use only two active notes (2 kick sliders) to show that the song is about to end if you know what I mean