mapped by PORTTAYER
This beatmap was ranked on 29 January 2024!
nominated by Monoseul and FLeVI
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DQ to improve spread #4137559


Checked spread and mods and everything looks good now

Marked as resolved by Monoseul

i like this map concept btw, although i also hope 00:26:250 - to 00:45:000 - especially in hyper & another, it could have some more expression than just kick-snare-kick-snare 2-3-2-3 / 1-2-1-2 1/2 combo that is not too interesting to play (especially since the piano is quite prominent & mostly not being mapped here)


lns used to express piano sounds in nm and hyper

Marked as resolved by PORTTAYER

i don't wanna be that guy but uhhh hyper feels more like light-insane & Normal feels like Low Normal, Harder Easy.

so while Hyper - Another - and Mahasatta have a tight, close difficulty gap, normal to hyper have a huge gap due to prominent 1/1 and light 1/2 usage in normal.

hyper has double the amount of density & note amount of normal,
hyper also has long 1/4 stream, some trills, jumps to hands, etc. i don't recall hard difficulty to be this dense for this bpm.

since normal is fine as is, idk if adding one more difficulty could help to alleviate the problem, if it's a problem in the first place. just throwing out my opinion here


Got some more opinions and it looks like there is agreement on a spread issue with normal and hyper.

But me and porttayer disagree with adding a new diff - we'll look into nerfing a few parts of hyper or buffing normal a bit (or both). Will dq once mapper gives the thumbs up

Will check your other mod when I get home from uni


Yuss, I think lowering some of the difficulty spike in hyper and buffing normal slightly will works too


fixed, nm buffed and hyper debuffed

Marked as resolved by PORTTAYER

Feel like the hitsound is too loud especially for the calm parts, how about 30%?



Marked as resolved by PORTTAYER

add "jcore" since it's clearly research for "J-core"
add "-reincarnate-" since this music have an 2017 remake version named "Akasagarbha -reincarnate-", and it's basically same with older version.
add "CHUNITHM NEW O.N.G.E.K.I. ONGEKI オンゲキ bright MEMORY Sega" since the remake version is added into these games.
add "Llkkm" since lucky clover is changed his name (maybe also change the diffname if Llkkm agree?)

6.9/6.9 - 7.3/7.3 - 8/8 - 8/8.3
seems another diff 's od/hp is a little higher? maybe can be around 7.8.


add "-reincarnate-" tag may cause confusion, and i think the another version name will not be searched
all other done

Marked as resolved by PORTTAYER

also fine


artist should be modified

wa. vs ETIA. --> wa. vs. ETIA.

please make this change for all diffs



Marked as resolved by PORTTAYER