Hi, I don't speak for anyone, this is my whining as a 7k player.
I feel weird, how is this map get qualified? I can clearly see that this map still have many unreasonable note arrangements, includes ambiguous LN flow and neglect of vibrato/drums (e.g. 00:48:740 (48740|5,48740|4,48881|3,48881|2,49021|6,49021|5,49021|1) what are these LNs for melody doing? LN tail flows left and right without any discernible pattern, do you feel strange when you try it yourself? and 02:05:282 (125282|0,125282|6,125282|3,125563|6,125563|0,125563|3,125843|3,125843|0,125843|6) at 02:05:282 is the beginning of this kiai part, you should obviously hear a strong burst here, but now the pattern is exactly the same in all three places?). To put it bluntly, many notes in this map are simply placed in your editor by clicking or dragging your left mouse button, even so, you still didn't do well. Many arrangements contradict the emotions expressed by the music itself. Since SYSTEM ERROR, has the BNG been a little too lax about the rigor of ranked? This map does not violate RC. Whether a map can get ranked is not about how many people oppose it, but whether there are two BNs supporting it. I'm not going to bring up more issues here, it's like if I ask an overall question, people will say I'm being vague, but the two QA's of AWMRone and gzdongsheng have done enough, still doesn't change the fact that this map is about to be ranked.
I'd like to say something to the two BNs of this map. I'm not saying you guys haven't scrutinized this map. You guys work pretty hard, but you still fail to see the deeper issues with this map. You're all doing a great job in your respective specialties, Rick has high quality of 4k modding, Monoseul also proved that he could win this year's Elite Nominator with his actions. However, for 7k high SR maps like this, I think you both still need to work hard. I'll be frank about the quality of this map, a lot of people would definitely be devastated by this if this map gets ranked.
I also anticipate what you guys might reply to if you guys reply to me, you will probably say "Please QA in the discussion forum if you have questions instead of attacking mapper in this post", and then this closes the loop back to what AWMRone and gzdongsheng did.
For all I know, many players also think that there are significant problems with this map, I won't say who these players are just in case I offend anyone, but I assure you that they are very experienced and capable players. I'm posting this not to cause trouble, but rather because I truly hope the community can continue to improve. However, this requires that all ranked maps maintain a good quality standard. so please take this post seriously, thank you.
i'm just a 4k mapper here, but looking at this from a purely representational standpoint, i agree with your point regarding the neglect of vibrato in the synth. the odd thing is it is actually acknowledged in the map in quite a few spots (for example, 00:56:871, 02:12:993, and 02:15:236), but it's very pick-and-choose-y about it, which certainly is a strange choice in my eyes.
there are quite a few things in this map that also caught me a bit off guard from a similar perspective, though i'd say that these are less significant than what you pointed out:
@U1D 00:48:740 (48740|5,48740|4,48881|3,48881|2,49021|6,49021|5,49021|1) - personally feel nothing wrong with this pattern
02:05:282 - I wouldn't mind putting a burst here sure
Not to be rude, but you are basically writing a very long text with nothing much behind it. If you don't like a pattern, point it out in the timeline, same goes to the other players that see significant problems. This map is suppose to be a relatively simple but yet hard LN map, so I focus more on simple and overall comfy gameplay rather than maximasing the musical representation. If you have nicer ideas for musical representation that don't go against the simple concept of the map, don't be afraid of letting me know in the timeline! This map has also gone under a lot of QA modding from the BNG team to make sure that everything is rankable
@-mint- 02:04:722 intentional gap so that the transition doesn't get too hard
02:04:862 - the fade in sound is imo not important enough to represent. I don't really want to add more LNs because it contrasts well to 02:22:806 -
01:18:740 - fade sound combined with the very high pitched LNs make it justified for me to use LN streams
00:38:367 - 01:36:684 - the fade-in sound is very significant and easy to implement, so I did that
02:16:217 - I mean I could theoreticly extend the LN at 7th collumn, but imo it's a bit too insignificant to represent
02:16:778 - the synth is obviously more intense
Chiming in just to really quickly point out that while player feedback is important and is always appreciated, the modding discussion is not the place to question anyone's legitimacy as a BN or to question their ability to nominate a map.
Vincus said it best. It's important to be specific with both the problem, what's causing it, and offer potential solutions based on your experience.
I understand this hasn't come out of ill intent! But it's best to leave these things elsewhere. Feel free to reach out any NAT member as we are always open to hear the community's thoughts on the Ranked section and how we - the community - can make it better.
sharing my thoughts on what i felt modding this map would be a bit personal so I'd rather not get into that here.
But I will say that I did do all i could with this map - i won't deny i have limited experience right now. That's why I've asked people before about this map, and did all I could to look over every nook and cranny, especially in my original veto over from mango's map.
And in its current state, I did make sure it was fine not just by me but by others as well, which it did have approval from what I've gotten and seen. Obviously, I could not ask everyone, since in the end those I did receive do not represent the entire community. I worked with what I had, and of course not everyone will like the end result.
So far, looking at your points - I personally disagree on some of the concerns brought up. Vincus has already gone through them and I share a similar sentiment.
But if you really feel this needs more work, or anyone else as you've mentioned, I'm all ears. But, to me, I think the map is fine as is and is suitable for ranked. So does rick. We didn't nominate this carelelessly, and we didn't nominate this just from the two of us seeing it as fine - whether or not we could've done better is another topic not fit here, I think.
To -mint-, Vincus and RandomeLoL:
Hi. Thank you for your additions and feedback. I won't say anything unrelated to the map here anymore.
To Monoseul:
Hi. Yes you and Rick have done your best. You've already contributed nearly 200 suggestions in Discussion alone already proves it, thanks for your hard work. But as I've mentioned, I don't think the problem lies there. If this Seiga Itten can't be ranked, there will still be another Seiga Itten. This is the trend, I certainly can't stop it on my own.
You might think that I'm being unreasonable, and it's normal for both sides to see each other as irrational when opinions differ. Now it's clear that my words appear too extreme and have offended the entire BNG, I apologize to those affected by me. And I respect your opinions, if Vincus and the two BNs think that this map is fine as it is, I'll close this post. I also won't make any more comments unrelated to the map under this post.
Thank you all.
For the record, I don't think you were being too extreme. I think it's a language barrier issue. I don't think your complaints are dumbfounded and I do understand why you feel the way you do.
It's good to care for the quality of maps going for ranked, I love seeing that and I encourage it. The others have already said what to do for next time, so all I'll say is good luck :)
No hitnormal in the files right now - it's not required but recommended. In fact, the current hitnormal right now is pretty jarring and loud.
How about using the hitsound that the original set used i.e. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1985695#mania/4208754