mapped by nyawaa
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00:37:544 - This jumpstream is a bit weird from a patterning standpoint but we can fix that. I see that you wanted it to be even on both hands, but it ends up being more awkward to play than anything, so I rearranged it so it's more comfortable to play. In addition, I made 00:37:805 a triple to add a bit more emphasis to the sound here since a double is a bit weak for a stronger sound. I provided an image of how I would arrange this jumpstream.


At least for me this pattern is pretty simple to hit, but if it makes some players struggle when this is not what i want on this then i guess it's better to change it. Hand added also

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

00:37:935 -> 00:38:196 You got the right idea by making to notes follow the melody, but we can move the notes a bit to follow the melody a bit closer. We can shift back 00:37:935 & 00:38:000 by one column since these are higher of a frequency, especially compared to 00:38:131 & 00:38:163 which I would move so the first not is in the same col as 00:37:935 but have 00:38:163 be on the second column instead of the 3rd like we did with 00:38:000. Then we would place 00:38:261 on the first column. In case you are confused, I provided an image for reference about what I'm talking about.



Marked as resolved by nyawaa

00:38:783 -> 00:39:435 The excess notes here kind of take away the emphasis you have with 00:38:718 so as a solution, I would recommend removing the notes in the section except for the following: 00:38:979, 00:39:109, 00:39:239, 00:39:305, and 00:39:370. This would also server as some diversity in-between all the handstreams for a beginning section at that.


This would also apply to 00:47:131 -> 00:47:783 Which would help break up all the handstreams by removing all the notes in this section except for 00:47:326, 00:47:457, 00:47:587, 00:47:652, 00:47:718, 00:47:783


The main sound i follow here is the persistent one that you can hear in all the section, which i used to make a stream pattern to make less empty overall. If I only mapped the notes you said it would feel pretty empty and an awkward feeling to play 00:38:326 -> 00:38:718 and after that having almost no notes. Tho you still made me realize that 00:39:305 -> 00:39:435 burst are only 3 notes instead of 4

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:00:109 - I believe you are missing a note here for the bells in the song since at least in this section, you seem to prioritize them.


also missing a note at 01:01:022


ty, tho 01:01:022 doesn't seem like there's any sound that i was following. Only the 1/2 constant sound

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:03:109 - I think a note here would help into the buildup for 01:03:370 since you would be emphasizing the riser here.



Marked as resolved by nyawaa

I'd say leave this empty since this breaks the consistency of the previous section, and I don't think representing this sound is necessary

Reopened by DraterTD

k again

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:03:370 -> 01:04:152 - This section would benefit from just being chordjacks instead of jumpstreams. It would differ from all the handstreams and jumpstreams from not that long ago and it would at least help 01:04:152 -> 01:04:413 stand out more. I've provided an example image of what you can do if you apply my suggestion.



Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:13:022 - Would recommend removing notes like this since the main thing the song is focusing on is the melody which is 01:12:761 & 01:12:892 so by removing 01:13:022, you would help emphasize it more.


do this with 01:13:413, 01:13:805 & 01:14:196 as well



Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:15:500 -> 01:15:892 is weirdly snapped. You should just have it be a 1/8 single note stream instead (this means getting rid of the double at 01:15:500)


wanted to represent that weird sound as a 1/8 stream burst, using jumps where it starts and ends, and like while it is dissapearing follow it with 1/4 notes. Thought playability could be affected idk


01:17:587 - A double into a 1/8 stream at this bpm I imagine would be frustrating to play so instead I would improvise and have had it be without doubles and would keep the 1/8s going until 01:17:979


keeping a 1/8 230bpm stream for that long would be pretty unbalanced so no

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:18:718 -> 01:18:892 - I don't exactly get what you are doing with the 1/6 here since it seems snapped to nothing, and you miss out on being able to make a 1/4 stream from 01:18:761 -> 01:18:957 with a double at 01:18:761.


Changed to 1/4 as im dumb and also added the jump

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:18:761 (78761) - doesn't need a jump, move the note on col 4 and make it into a stream with the triple before it

Reopened by DraterTD


Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:19:805 - This double makes this part frustrating more than anything so it's best to just remove it from how negative it affects gameplay. Also remove the double at 01:19:674 since it makes your streams flow weirder and would give you more freedom by removing it.

Marked as resolved by nyawaa

01:20:066 -> 01:20:326 - This would be much better as regular trills instead of jumptrills since it plays badly after going through the 1/8 stream, especially with the way it's currently patterned to be with jumptrills.


keeping the jumptrills but changing it from splittrills to normal jumptrills starting from the opposite site of 01:20:000, the sound is pretty important to just map it as a single

Marked as resolved by nyawaa