00:03:185 (3185) - to 00:28:785 (28785) - just a suggestion, maybe change the doubles in a way so that it represents the piano pitch more? For example 00:07:585 (7585) - can be changed so that it goes to the left rather than to the right etc.
00:34:544 (34544|1,34544|3,34674|2,34805|0,34805|1) - the doubles don't represent anything here, it should be 1-2-1 in terms of chord size
00:37:544 - This jumpstream is a bit weird from a patterning standpoint but we can fix that. I see that you wanted it to be even on both hands, but it ends up being more awkward to play than anything, so I rearranged it so it's more comfortable to play. In addition, I made 00:37:805 a triple to add a bit more emphasis to the sound here since a double is a bit weak for a stronger sound. I provided an image of how I would arrange this jumpstream.
00:37:935 -> 00:38:196 You got the right idea by making to notes follow the melody, but we can move the notes a bit to follow the melody a bit closer. We can shift back 00:37:935 & 00:38:000 by one column since these are higher of a frequency, especially compared to 00:38:131 & 00:38:163 which I would move so the first not is in the same col as 00:37:935 but have 00:38:163 be on the second column instead of the 3rd like we did with 00:38:000. Then we would place 00:38:261 on the first column. In case you are confused, I provided an image for reference about what I'm talking about.
00:38:783 -> 00:39:435 The excess notes here kind of take away the emphasis you have with 00:38:718 so as a solution, I would recommend removing the notes in the section except for the following: 00:38:979, 00:39:109, 00:39:239, 00:39:305, and 00:39:370. This would also server as some diversity in-between all the handstreams for a beginning section at that.
The main sound i follow here is the persistent one that you can hear in all the section, which i used to make a stream pattern to make less empty overall. If I only mapped the notes you said it would feel pretty empty and an awkward feeling to play 00:38:326 -> 00:38:718 and after that having almost no notes. Tho you still made me realize that 00:39:305 -> 00:39:435 burst are only 3 notes instead of 4
01:03:370 -> 01:04:152 - This section would benefit from just being chordjacks instead of jumpstreams. It would differ from all the handstreams and jumpstreams from not that long ago and it would at least help 01:04:152 -> 01:04:413 stand out more. I've provided an example image of what you can do if you apply my suggestion.
01:10:674 (70674) - you should use burst pattern here instead of 01:11:718 (71718) - since the rhythm is in 1/8 rather than just 1/4, you can use 1/6 for playability. As for 01:11:979 (71979) - it is very clear that it is in 1/4.
01:15:631 (75631) - remove this double, this isn't representing anything important, you can keep the double on 01:15:500 (75500) - instead of representing the percussions on these two bars, consider it as representing the "wub" sound with chords (Same goes for 01:17:718 (77718) - 01:19:805 (79805) - etc.)
01:18:370 (78370) - there's a slight hihat burst thingy here, maybe double into 1/6 can do if 1/8 is too much
01:24:239 (84239) - this should be the same with 01:15:892 (75892) - either use doubles or triples to represent this sound
01:30:500 (90500) - the doubles in this section should be on 01:30:500 (90500) - 01:30:696 (90696) - 01:30:761 (90761) - 01:30:892 (90892) - 01:31:022 (91022) - 01:31:087 (91087) - 01:31:283 (91283) - instead
01:32:848 (92848) - to 01:38:848 (98848) - not sure what these doubles are representing here, consider removing them
this was only singles before but when playing it thought that it was too empty and pretty boring, tried searching for something to add and could hear something there (would say what that sound is but im pretty ignorant on instrument and things) Tho could consider removing it if it's pretty hard to hear
01:47:457 (107457|1,107587|1,107718|1,107848|1,107979|1,108109|1) - idk if you consider this a bad thing, but here's an anchor that could be avoided if you messed with a few notes
in 01:48:761 it was inevitable, since it had handstream, but in 01:47:457 da to avoid the anchors if you want, since it is Split trills just distribute the notes in some different way that already decreases the anchor
1:48:761 v
I dont think 6 notes is really that much problem on anchors. If i did for example, a maximum of 4 notes for every anchor it would feel like hitting the same part again and again. Thought this type of anchor should not be common but just to make the pattern a bit different than the other ones
Alright, that's your choice, is that I usually try not to leave large anchors on most of my map, but I don't think that's a problem
02:04:152 (124152) - this should be a double and 02:04:544 (124544) - should be a triple, there are some percussions on 02:04:283 (124283) - 02:04:413 (124413) - as well, maybe use doubles here instead of streams
changed, also added jump on 02:04:413 (124413|2) to keep the jumps to the part where the 1/4 stream actually starts
02:23:327 (143327) - I'd say make this trill into minijack from col 4 to 1 so that it fits the song and it's funnier (i.e. single note as 44332211 in columns) do make adjustments to the pattern after this if you accept it
02:24:077 (144077) - two issues:
02:25:577 (145577) - there's quite a bit of layering issues within this section, I'll list a few below
I also highly recommend making use of minijacks as a part of layering, since it looks pretty random right now
02:49:764 (169764) - 02:52:764 (172764) - etc. should be single, there are no audible sounds here to be represented by a double
03:07:858 (187858) - I'd suggest changing the anchor placement to better represent the song, pattern should look like [134][34][34][124][12][12][134][34][123][2] in columns as 1/4 (this includes the last note, making it a minijack), the same applies to others after this
04:48:576 (288576) - the triples should be on 04:48:696 (288696) - 04:48:816 (288816) - not 04:48:576 (288576) - since the melody is not here, the same applies to 04:50:496 (290496) - 04:52:416 (292416) - etc. If these triples are representing both the bells and the melody, keep the triples and still change the others
05:27:636 (327636) - make this a double to represent the melody, ie make it as a jumptrill, same for 05:28:116 (328116) -
05:40:896 (340896) - the triples here feels pretty off since it's not on 1/1 and it is not representing the melody as well, I suggest changing this pattern
06:01:536 (361536|3) - heavy anchor on column 4
06:06:936 (366936|1) - column 2
06:07:776 (367776) - highly suggest using triples on 1/1 beat, and if there are sounds on 1/4 beat, make it double and make the 1/1 after or before it (if any) as double
06:36:329 (396329|3) - unintentional anchor on column 4?
same for 06:37:908 (397908|3) -