00:28:252 (1,2) - for the beginning of this verse I would recommend you use sliders to introduce the vocal rhythm that you continue to focus on. (Like you did 00:29:734 (6,7), and 00:31:215 (3,4)).
Since it's the first time this vocal rhythm is introduced, it might be hard to sightread as circles. Then after this first time you can use circles because the player would expect it
00:53:993 (7) - this slider ends in an unemphasized part of the music, I think it'd be better to extend it to end at 00:54:548 to hit the beat there, like you do here 00:56:956 (9)
you have been following the vocal rhythm pretty well that this bit 01:21:585 (3,4,5) with the 1/2s falls flat imo.
I think here for example you can benefit from a slider like this https://i.ibb.co/RTw0TLR/ss.png - so that the important notes are being hit while being executed uniquely
01:52:697 (4,5,6), 01:55:660 (4,5,6) - I think you should use a higher distance snap for this, just because it's a little inconsistent in this bit.
01:53:808 (8,1) - Like these two are 1/2 a beat apart, but they have the same distance as above circles 3/4 a beat apart. It's generally o.k. on higher difficulties to have this kind of inconsistency, but for a hard difficulty I recommend going for this safer route