W map
tree too wan
keysounding moment
nice effort on this, hope it gets ranked soon
推薦這張圖譜讓它更容易被提名和進榜 ! 你還可以推薦 8 次。 你將在 5 天後 後獲得新的推薦次數。
Omg another keysound A04 map?
Omg prot, can i get nomnom (◔◡◔)
"You have 10 hype left." banger and challenging beatmap😎
来源 THE BMS OF FIGHTERS EighTeen -Summer Dream Traveler-
噢 感謝補充 我真的不會 Metadata 🤦♂️
can i get nom nom
Needed hype
推荐这张谱面,让它更容易收到提名并上架 (Ranked)! 你还可以推荐 7 次。 你将在 4 天后 获得新的推荐次数。
Hype this beatmap to make it more visible for nomination and ranking! You have 3 hype left. You'll get another hype in 31 hours.
No hyping your own beatmap.
Hype this beatmap to make it more visible for nomination and ranking! You have 1 hype left. You'll get another hype in 5 hours.