tyrcs is correct here, the first red line/new red line need to change for Nightcore purposes so that beat one properly falls on, well, beat one (and Nightcore's loud cymbal)
The only thing I'd disagree with is that I think it would be a bit better to start the first red line at 00:23:687 - instead, that way it lines up with the first note on the map. but I definitely agree with adding a new red line at 02:20:157 - for the bpm reset
Anyways, once that's fixed I'll be able to renom pretty quickly so just let me know whenever you want me to dq the map
Since this is somewhat related to this post, you'll need to resnap a few kiai starts/ends real quick before we can renom. Here are the kiais that are currently unsnapped according to AiMod/Mapset Verifier:
03:04:981 - (kiai end)
03:05:334 - (kiai start)
03:27:922 - (kiai end)
Additionally, you can also delete the green line at 02:20:157 - and use the red line to start the kiai instead since the green line doesn't do anything else rn
But yea other than that the timing looks good!
General Check!
Sources: #4139058 (thanks steven!)
https://manbow.nothing.sh/event/event.cgi?action=More_def&num=205&event=88 (relevant for the artist field)
Unicode/Romanised Artist:
Technically the current artist fields are correct but I'd recommend changing them based off of the new source:
Unicode Artist: ルゼ ☆ えみゅう。
Romanised Artist: LUZE * Emew.
Ofc the other 2 sources match the current unicode/romanised artist fields, but since 2 loved maps use the other option I think it should change based off of this guideline: If the same song exists in the Ranked or Loved sections already, the metadata should be followed unless it breaks other rules in the ranking criteria or the official sources state something completely different.
just so metadata's consistent across all three maps.
Hopefully it isn't some weird bug with the editor, but if possible the kiai at 03:04:980 - could move up to 03:04:981 - since it's currently unsnapped
Alright so before this is nominated, I ran this by the BN server and unfortunately the † will need to be removed from the beginning of the diff.
This is due to a server-side issue where it can't deal with most unicode characters in diff names. It's sort of described by this guideline: Avoid non-alphanumeric unicode characters in a difficulty's name. These can cause errors with the beatmap submission system and problems for certain users when appearing in chat.
The rule of thumb I got was that if the downloaded file replaces unicode characters with random characters, then it isn't rankable (and on my end at least the † is replaced with this:
Anyways, everything else looks good so my check'll be finished whenever this is updated
update on the artist fields:
Steven pointed out that since this is the extended version it would make more sense for the artist field to be ルゼ feat. えみゅう。like it was originally since this is the extended version of the song (and the one I suggested was for the BMS version), aaaaand due to this Monheim was correct to have it the way she did originally:
Artist names should be consistent between different songs from the same person or group in the Ranked or Loved sections. This does not apply if the person or group intentionally uses a different alias for different song or album releases.
My bad on that one, I let Monheim know and she updated the map to reflect that
some tags to add: bms conductor konzertsaal - the bms of fighters 2013 - studio bsw LexicographiA luzeria extended long ver. electronic instrumental other video game civilization
the artist box should be this instead as well: ルゼ feat. えみゅう。
it's kinda weird since originally i dont think it was like this but for this extended version they used this instead so i think it should be changed as such. romanised artist box needs to be changed as well