00:18:119 - 00:33:968 - is very inconsistent. Make patterns. You have 4 beats of 4 and a beat of 5 (4 + 1). Try to make the triples, sliders and notes the same. Say in the first beat you have slider - note - slider - triple. In the start of the next "start" of the beat (the reset kinda) do the same slider - note - slider - triple. Just mapped differently. Try to be consistent. bc it's a giant mess of guess play - similar mapping style - in the beginning. But having similar mapping style AND consistency would make this diff perfect. They should all be different or all have the same pattern.
it's not even updated bro dfiuadshuhasiu u just modded ur own mod rn
wait until the cbh uploads my updated diff
lmfao its ok its just funny cause now it looks like u got dementia not remembering how it looks like even though nothing changed
00:39:628 (3,4,5,6) - is very poorly mapped. The 6 pops up as you tap the 4. A newer player will want to tap the closest note. Keep the spacing equal here as well. As NO note is equal.
00:40:477 (6,1) - same with here. Newer players use the default skin. They will try to tap the sliderend as it looks like the closest note.
00:50:949 (1,2,3,4) - a good example. Although I think spacing might be a lil big it's ok tho
01:21:515 (1,2,3,4) - either map the entire break before this or delete these. I suggest deleting 01:21:515 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). NO music implies these notes should be here; arguably the last 1,2,3,4 is fine.