00:05:771 -
it can added more 1/2 note.
Since there is a large change in rhythm at the beginning, the density of the rhythm is worth using 1/2 here to distinguish it from 1/1. If you use 1/1, it's very confusing to play.
00:05:771 (5771|0,5961|3,6151|1,6341|2,6531|0,6721|1,6911|3,7100|2) -
about rc:
Avoid using more than 5 consecutive 1/2 notes.
I see... try to remove some 1/2 notes,because the advice above said it's worth using more 1/2 notes
and i refer to the screenshot... How about removing a 1/2 note in order to avoid using more than 5 consecutive 1/2 notes?
seems good.
also can add 1/1 LN here:
00:24:569 (24569|0) -
like this vocal at the end, we can express it with 1/1 LN, just like you do in Normal difficulty.
00:24:569 (24569|1,26468|1) - 前后两个LN在同一轨,甚至00:30:645 (30645|1) -也在2轨 你想要保留这些LN的话,我觉得都拆开到不同的轨道比较好,比较均匀。如果是为了强调这vocal我感觉挺奇怪的()
00:24:759 (24759|2) -
00:26:468 (26468|1) -
00:29:885 (29885|3,30455|0) -
00:39:759 (39759|0) -
00:51:531 (51531|0) -
00:56:468 (56468|0,56847|3) -
01:17:733 (77733|3) -
01:19:632 (79632|2) -
01:25:898 (85898|3) -
01:30:455 (90455|0,91025|3) -
01:32:543 (92543|1) -
01:44:695 (104695|0) -
01:49:632 (109632|3,110012|0) -
01:51:436 (111436|2) -
02:14:316 (134316|0) -
02:24:569 (144569|1) -
02:38:809 (158809|1,159379|3) -
02:44:316 (164316|0,164695|3) -
02:49:442 (169442|3,170012|1) -
About the RC:
Long notes should be held for at least one beat. Faster release timing is too difficult for players of this level.
I recommend that you stretch the LNs to 1/1, in fact many of these LNs seem unnecessary, sometimes to follow the vocal, sometimes to follow the rhythm. It would be confusing. I think we can extend all the LNs following vocal to 1/1
00:31:404 - to 00:37:860 -
The LN here is very strange, I know you want to use LN to express the vocal, but it makes you ignore the main melody, vocal should be auxiliary to the main melody, not abandon the main melody.
My advice:
00:39:379 (39379|2,39759|0) - 挺好玩的,不过不知道你有没有发现00:37:290 (37290|1,37670|3,37860|1,38240|3) - 和00:38:809 (38809|0,39189|1,39379|2,39759|0) - 是很相像的,所以你可以把00:37:290 (37290|1,37670|3,37860|1,38240|3) - 也对称地写成那样。如图https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18695111/9f76
00:41:657 (41657|2) - 这个LN如果你是想采人声,那人声其实是在00:41:847。00:42:417 (42417|0) - 这根也不对,应该在00:42:607。不过我觉得还是忽略人声采鼓点比较好,这里采人声显得太单薄了