Offset and Timming: fine
*Artist: ななひら
Romanised: Nanahira
Title: ロリ神様は突然に。
Romanised: Rori Kamisama wa Totsuzen ni.
*Source: according to what I've found on the internet, this song isnt from a video game, movie, series, event, etc. so, u should move ''Confetti-Box'' from the source to the tag.
Current: nanahira nanaucky_ quzy3315 chickengold [gb]chickengold ななひら zero-shaft ロリ神様は突然に。 a m d amd
Remove: nanahira ななひら ロリ神様は突然に。
because these tags are duplicated with the artist and title.
Addtional: Disc1 XFD japanese jpop j-pop Confetti-Box ハレのちマカロン 後方一気 confetto comicmarket93 release c93 七誌
For copy-paste: nanaucky_ quzy3315 chickengold [gb]chickengold zero-shaft a_m_d amd Disc1 XFD japanese jpop j-pop Confetti-Box ハレのちマカロン 後方一気 confetto comicmarket93 release c93 七誌
Easy 6/6 fine (but i think it could be increased to 6.5/6.5)
Normal 7/7 fine
Hard 7/8 because not many LN are used. so i suggest u change od/hp to 7.5/7.5.
Insane 7/8 same reason as hard. think it would be better to change it to 8/8.
*Volume: fine
*Audio file:
Quality: 192kbps
Size: 4.92MB
*Hitsound file: under 5ms delay
[BG file]
Quality: 2081x1440
Size: 603 KB
重新复制一下就好了 nanaucky_ quzy3315 chickengold [gb]chickengold zero-shaft a_m_d amd Disc1 XFD japanese jpop j-pop Confetti-Box ハレのちマカロン 後方一気 confetto comicmarket93 release c93 七誌
00:22:290 (22290|1,22290|0,22670|3,22670|2,23050|1,23050|0,23430|3,23430|2) - 这种声音,所有难度除了锚键和短LN外押数是完全一样的,个人觉得不能够很好地体现gap。我个人建议,当音乐出现这种声音的时候,easy难度用四根面条,normal难度全部用双押,hard难度可以再双押的基础上加上面条甚至写成3押也问题不大,insane难度完全可以3押,如果hard是3押,那么可以再加面条
Romanised Title shoule be:
Rori kamisama wa totsuzen ni.
00:07:100 - to 00:19:252 -
actually quite chaotic here. i see you want follow the vocal, but it miss a lot drum.
00:06:531 - 00:06:626 - 00:07:480 -
top diff use LN here, which good, but also loses a lot of drum detail.
Your (Hard and Insane) should renegotiate this section, rearrange this section, the current pattern is quite confusing.