mapped by storn42
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02:03:733 (123733|0,123819|0,123905|0,123991|0,124121|0,124250|0,124379|0,124509|0,124638|0) - A bit hard to hear but I'm pretty sure there is no kicks, just snares and toms.


listening closely its hard to tell but i think you might be right. I'm no drum expert but its particularly hard to tell if im hearing the drum of the snare or a separate drum entirely for this hits. they dont have the offset sounds of something like 02:01:664 (121664|2,121664|0,121793|2,121793|0) but they're also manually resynced to the beat. I'm going to play it sage and remove the sounds, but it might be worth it to bring them back later for impact alone.

Marked as resolved by storn42