mapped by storn42
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Amazing beatmap! Would love to see a leaderboard for this sometime soon. Great work!


one of the greatest song of all time


Great map for a great song!


Don't listen to me, I'm just talking wrong things


Applies to Beginner and Easy Only
You should probably have some LNs in 02:29:595 - 02:46:146. Some notes last way too long and feels underwhelming to be represented by a note. Even though they are everywhere throughout the section, here are some that sticks out when playing:

02:30:888 02:32:957 02:35:026 02:41:750 02:43:302
Whether or not if you want to add more however is up to you.


For Beginner, I am avoiding using many LNs, so i dont think not having LNs here is out of place. If i were to put LNs in i think they would either be too inconsistent or too out of place to make sense.

For Easy I agree that LNs could be nice here. However Similar to Beginner i feels its a bit difficult to properly chart LNs without being inconsistent. I could go full LN for all everything, but at that point it becomes identical to the Normal chart, with very minimal differences.

I think for both difficulties it will be best to leave LNs out of the section.

Marked as resolved by storn42

Applies to Easy and Normal Only
If you have notes inside (doesn't count if it starts at the beginning or added at the release of the LN) It should be placed on the opposing hand where the LN is. This makes it much more comfortable and efficent for players at these skill level.
For Easy this usually should be applied at any LN that is 2/1 or smaller, and for Normal it should be applied at any LN that is 1/2 or smaller.

Applies in Easy at 00:44:594 00:45:629 01:24:939 01:33:215
Applies in Normal at 00:42:913

Nothing wrong with current but this is to make patterns easier on the players of the skill level


good catch on some of these. I've tried to avoid this where possible but sometimes compromises have to be made. i've fixed 00:44:594 (E) and 00:42:913 (N) as they were easier to fix. The other three i've left as i feel it would be more comfortable to play compared to having them placed on the releases.

Marked as resolved by storn42

Applies to Easy and Normal Only
00:25:456 01:13:042 - These two timestamps contradict each other despite being the exact same, are you mapping the guitar or the kicks, and apply that to both timestamps to both difficulties.

Also for the Normal I suggest removing the LN anyways because the two difficulties above it only have 1/1 kicks, no LN.


good catch. I've added LNs to Easy, and removed them from Normal.

Marked as resolved by storn42



Applies to Hard and Die Again
00:58:430 - This should be a single note, it doesn't represent any percussion and the vocals that come from this are very minor and it's worth emphasizing since you can barely hear it over regular speed.

Applies at 01:06:706 01:46:017 01:54:293 03:14:982 03:23:258 03:31:534 03:39:810


The vocals are important to this chart. I dont find them to be soft at all, and importantly this is the line that says the name of the song. The reason this might seem soft is because its a vowel, and ironically doesn't have a strong attack. I have no interest in changing the vocal layering of this chart.

Marked as resolved by storn42

Applies to Hard and Die Again

00:45:111 (45111|0) - You can shorten this at 00:45:629 so that you can add a double for the finish sound at 00:46:146.
You do this at 01:32:697


As mentioned in #3851755/10308961 I just dont think the crash is loud enough to warrant a jump here, especially when compared to the previous 2 notes.

Marked as resolved by storn42


Audio is bloated. Clips at 16kHz which translates to 128kbps.

Non-bloated .ogg: (was converted from a .flac file)

BPMs are fine for the most part, the BPM line at 00:55:485 is unneccesary, you can just replace it with a x2 scroll multiplier and then add another one for x1 at 00:56:519 (Applies at 01:43:072 & 03:11:002)

Last BPM line is unnecesary also due to two reasons:

  • There is no drums to base off the slowness of the BPM.
  • You normalized it to 116 BPM after.

Everything is normalized to 58 BPM at 01:38:416 in Die Again.
Everything is normalized to 81.2 BPM at 01:38:416 in Hard.
Everything is normalized to 92.8 BPM at 01:38:416 in Advanced. Also you forgot to omit barlines in this difficulty.

Normalization for Advanced and Hard is fine under RC

Will get to offset after new audio has been implemented.

Seems to have no unrankable delay, no unused files, consistent in all difficulties, looks good.

Background - 1920 x 1080, under 2.5MB and is a .jpg file, looks good.
Video - Has no audio, synced pretty well, encoded to H.264, and is consistent across all difficulties, looks good.

Beginner - 6 / 6
Easy - 6.5 / 6.5
Normal - 7 / 7
Advanced - 7.5 / 7.5
Hard - 8 / 8
Die Again - 8 / 8

I would suggest 8.2 OD / 8.2 HP for Die Again. Since Hard and Die Again are pretty similar but one is harder I think it's fine to give a slight boost to top difficulty, just an increase of 0.2 should be fine.

Artist/Romanised Artist - Sabaton✔️
Title/Romanised Title - The Attack Of The Dead Men✔️

Source - N/A✔️

Current Tags - Joakim Brodén, Broden, Chris Rörland, Rorland, Tommy Johansson,Pär Sundström, Par Sundstrom, Hannes van Dahl, Heavy, Power, War, Metal, World War One, WWI, The Great War, English


  • 2019 Release year of the album 'The Great War' which this song was included in.
  • 2020 This song was released as a single in 2020 as a B-Side along with a live version recorded from Moscow.
  • Jonas Kjellgren Has been credited with helping out with the mixing and recordings.
  • Rock It's the parent genre of Metal.
  • I Roman numeral for one. Substitute for if someone searches 'World War I'.
  • WW1 Substitute for 'WWI'.
  • Nuclear Blast Label of the single and album.


  • There is no need for these commas throughout the tags.
  • War Repeated word, this is included in World **War** One I.

Final Tags - Joakim Brodén Broden Chris Rörland Rorland Tommy Johansson Pär Sundström Par Sundstrom Hannes van Dahl Jonas Kjellgren Heavy Power Metal Rock World War One I WWI WW1 The Great War English Nuclear Blast 2019 2020

Copy and paste this into every difficulty.


Kiais are optional but you could add a kiai at 02:21:347 - 02:29:623 or somewhere different if wanted.



  • Thats not bloat thats literally just what the song looks like converted to 192kps. I literally ripped the song From the CD and then converted it from 320kps to 192kbps because it was too big. Just to make sure, i re-ripped the track and converted it directly to 192kps and the line is still there.

    I will use the new MP3 now that i have it, but this shouldn't be an issue going forward


  • Is this really an issue? The BPMs are "necessary". 00:55:485 changes the tempo and 00:56:519 is needed to reset the meter. 03:11:002 for example doesn't have a 2nd BPM because The meter is already correct. the 58 BPM sections in general aren't needed (outside of 01:38:907), but since they exist, These BPMs are needed to bring the tempo back up, now that the song has sped up again. Also i've omitted these lines since i realized they weren't.
  • I know 03:49:278 is weird but its the same sound as at 00:52:380, so the half bpm makes sense. This was converted from a game where BPMs like this have a bigger effect, so yes most of them are unnecessary, but they aren't wrong, and the do "do things"
  • fixed the missing omitted lines (turns out i also missed the lower difficulties)


  • Done. honestly i have no idea how to "properly" set OD/HP so i'll just trust you on this one.


  • Added most of it. Year seems extremely unnecessary especially for a random single released after the album, and no other ranked maps do this. But this did remind me to add the EP to the tags.


  • I've never been a huge fan of Kiai and it just doesn't really feel like it has a place in this song.
Marked as resolved by storn42

The timings fair, I agree with you. Offset seems good already.


02:04:795 Looks like any note that should be here (guitar + drums) disappeared across all the diffs


huh, wonder what weird conversion issue caused that to happen.

Marked as resolved by storn42

Hahaha pretty sure some people will hate the top diff but I like the oldschool gimmicks!


nice mapset


01:38:416 - This song used a stable metronome while recording obviously, no need to change bpm for the drummer's miss. Just snap these irregular drum ms-by-ms.
In principle you even don't need to reduce the bpm by half in slow parts, because the length of measure is unified. (e.g. please notice 00:48:242 - 00:52:380 - , they should be the boundary of measure.) 116 BPM with 4/4 meter is fine for the whole song.


Just because 95% of the song lines up to the metronome doesn't mean i shouldn't sync. These notes are significantly out of sync and need the bpm changes
The final 1/1 in particular needs it because of how early the notes come in.

as far as i see it, this is a nonissue. Significant work would be needed to remove these timing points from all difficulties for what is realistically little to no "improvement"

Marked as resolved by storn42

giving away free hypes




hype within seconds of upload. thats how you know its a good map.
