mapped by Aryssiel
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 25 April 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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  1. Custom sliderticks on Cup-Platter

I'm personally not a big fan of using custom sliderticks, not that they're banned or anything, but having them on the lower difficulties to make up for "missing" notes caused by more simplistic mapping creates an issue where you are giving "fake" feedback to the player, which can screw up people, especially newbies when they're trying to learn the game.

From the cup until the platter, this problem is really apparent, pretty much everything on the cup, stuff like 00:24:428 (2) - or 00:25:391 (2) - feel so weird because it just sounds like you're catching a fruit that doesnt exist.

It's perfectly ok to skip notes for simplicity sake for lower difficulties, sometimes we have to sacrifice good sounding difficulties for good playability, and IMO this map would benefit of removing the green timing points that change the sliderticks samples and just leave the default ones.

  1. Hitsound Volume

Two problems here:

  • Your rain/overdose/overdose+ volume green lines are inconsistent with the other difficulties.
  • Volume is the same throughout the whole map.

I highly suggest having contrast between sections of the song by lowering volume on more calmer sections, like the intro, and then have a higher volume on more intense parts, like the kiai.


About Cup and Salad sliderticks: It wasn't until last night where I thought it would fit a bit better gameplay wise and didn't really check how the feedback on hitsounding would be by the time I uploaded.

After what's suggested about Slider Tick Rate for Cup/Salad most ticks should be gone, I'll re-apply hitsounds on them to avoid sampling on slider ticks that are not neccesary.

Will leave open for Cowboy's opinion.

Edit: About hitsound volume. Changed every diff to 40% for intro, 60% for non-kiai and 80% to kiai


I would like to keep the current STR on my diff since it doesn't feels so awkward and it fits nicely among the progression of the map.


Marked as resolved by Aryssiel

You probably should add R・O・N, which is how they normally write the song arranger their name (Especially as you already have RON)

See their own blog how they write it, on the right at Author ->


added R・O・N to tags, don't think people would look up their name as that but won't hurt as it's official name imo

Marked as resolved by Aryssiel


Official Site:

Tags suggestions: female vocals vocalist mayn SILVER LINK.

I personally add the studio that animates the show, the more the merrier, but you can choose not to. (SILVER LINK.)

mayn for better searchability.


added tags

Marked as resolved by Aryssiel

Jusenkyo could also be added to tags as Cowboy's previous username

Reopened by Deif

added jusenkyo to tags

Marked as resolved by Aryssiel

00:23:787 - For all difficulties, as a suggestion i would leave 00:24:107 unmapped since there's a pause in the instruments, this would help give contrast between the intro and the main part of the song.


the sound on 00:24:107 is too strong to me to leave unmapped. Leaving open for more opinions on this.


Agree with Aryssiel, would like to keep since on my diff it represents a follow up to the cymbal sound and it seems great.


resolving because mapper's agree. feel free to reopen if anyone else would agree on this so we can take another look into it.

Marked as resolved by Aryssiel