00:44:321 (3,4,5) - For the downbeat having a bit more movement than this right now would be nice, i suggest inverting the placement of 00:44:963 (4,5) so you have some left right movement, after that you would just need to acomodate the change by moving 00:45:605 (1,2,3).
00:45:605 - It seems you put more emphasis in the instruments in this section, then how about changing this 00:45:605 (1,2,3) into this instead? would work much better:
Same thing applies for 00:48:172 (1,2,3).
00:58:118 (6,1) - These feel too close right now, i would move (1) a bit more to the left for downbeat emphasis (+ Kiai)
Actually could move this slider 00:58:760 (2) too to have more movement.
01:01:006 (1,2) - Pretty much same thing, i suggest reworking patterns like these where you awkwardly cut the flow of the map, would feel much better IMO.
01:16:407 (1,2,3,4) - Vocal on 01:16:407 (1,2) would be much better if it was a 1/2 slider instead, like this:
01:25:711 (5) - Moving this note to somewhere around x:470 works better so the player doesnt overshoot their movement.