[ Audio ]
Bitrate check :
160kbps, 2.65mb
= Good
Bpm / Offset : 175 / 77
= Good
[ BG Size ]
Now : 1920x1080, 1.02mb
= Good
[ HS Delay 』
= Good
[ Metadata ]
[ Artist ]
[ Romanised Artist ]
( O ) ^
[ Title ]
( O ) CrossFire (Raytoly Hardcore Remix)
[ Romanised Title ]
( O ) ^
[ Language ]
= Instrumental
[ Genre ]
= Electronic
[ Source ]
( O ) ブルーアーカイブ -Blue Archive-
[ Now Tags ]
a_rise triplebullets happy uk hhc ukhc instrumental video game electronic nexon yostar nat games blue archive ブルアカ blueaka buruaka mobile ... Chrisse chen_sawthis01
[ remove tags below ]
what is this ... - meaning for? recommend to delete if it doens't have any intent.
[ Add tags below ]
Blue Archive ~Raytoly Remix & Edit Collection~ - album that contains audio but not include Raytoly cuz it already in the title
블아 블루아카 블루아카이브 - korean writing of blue archive
넥슨 - korean writing of nexon
[Paste this] = a_rise triplebullets happy uk hhc ukhc instrumental video game electronic Blue Archive ~ Remix & Edit Collection~ nexon yostar nat games blue archive ブルアカ blueaka buruaka mobile Chrisse chen_sawthis01 넥슨 블아 블루아카 블루아카이브
[ OD/HP ]
Now : 7/7 , 7.2/7.5 , 7.5/7.5 , 7/8
= Can be 7.5/7.5 / 8/8 8/8.2 / 8/8.5 imo