i do think the long note on 01:03:122, should be on 1/6th 01:03:062. and the long note on 01:03:302 be moved on 01:03:392. the long note on 01:04:364 (64364|1) move to 01:04:424. length of this long note 01:34:377 (94377|0) should end on 01:37:071. long note in 00:54:084 (54084|1) moves at 00:54:114.
lastly, 01:12:880 (72880|3,73060|2,73239|3,73419|2,73599|3) - 5 note unintentional trill, you can re-arrange this. also disgusting 4 note anchor on 01:19:774 (79774|0,79953|0,80133|0,80359|0) and 3 note anchor on 01:21:437 (81437|1,81579|1,81758|1), re-arrange.
first thing to note, i am aware that this is keysounded and by that, some notes have the same keys/pitch but aren't on the same column. for example, 00:25:927 (25927|2,25927|3) is in [34] but the same sound on 00:26:286 (26286|0,26286|1) is placed on [12]. consistently doing this would logically make more sense. same with 00:27:004 (27004|1,27004|2,27408|2,27408|3), 00:28:091 (28091|1,28091|2,28495|0,28495|3), 00:51:043 (51043|0,51043|2,51357|0,51357|1), 00:55:316 (55316|3,55316|0,55630|0,55630|2) & and the others.