mapped by walmart5193
This beatmap was ranked on 10 July 2023!
nominated by Hydria and Shad0wStar
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i do think the long note on 01:03:122, should be on 1/6th 01:03:062. and the long note on 01:03:302 be moved on 01:03:392. the long note on 01:04:364 (64364|1) move to 01:04:424. length of this long note 01:34:377 (94377|0) should end on 01:37:071. long note in 00:54:084 (54084|1) moves at 00:54:114.

permalink regarding 1:03:122, should it be like this?


yes that's correct.


thanks for the reassurance, i moved the lns around a bit

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

lastly, 01:12:880 (72880|3,73060|2,73239|3,73419|2,73599|3) - 5 note unintentional trill, you can re-arrange this. also disgusting 4 note anchor on 01:19:774 (79774|0,79953|0,80133|0,80359|0) and 3 note anchor on 01:21:437 (81437|1,81579|1,81758|1), re-arrange.


i re-arranged them to a more fitting sense. such as staircases and trills

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

first thing to note, i am aware that this is keysounded and by that, some notes have the same keys/pitch but aren't on the same column. for example, 00:25:927 (25927|2,25927|3) is in [34] but the same sound on 00:26:286 (26286|0,26286|1) is placed on [12]. consistently doing this would logically make more sense. same with 00:27:004 (27004|1,27004|2,27408|2,27408|3), 00:28:091 (28091|1,28091|2,28495|0,28495|3), 00:51:043 (51043|0,51043|2,51357|0,51357|1), 00:55:316 (55316|3,55316|0,55630|0,55630|2) & and the others.


im not the biggest fan of repeating notes over and over, so ill keep some the same as it is. but ill for sure make the changes.

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny