i do think the long note on 01:03:122, should be on 1/6th 01:03:062. and the long note on 01:03:302 be moved on 01:03:392. the long note on 01:04:364 (64364|1) move to 01:04:424. length of this long note 01:34:377 (94377|0) should end on 01:37:071. long note in 00:54:084 (54084|1) moves at 00:54:114.
lastly, 01:12:880 (72880|3,73060|2,73239|3,73419|2,73599|3) - 5 note unintentional trill, you can re-arrange this. also disgusting 4 note anchor on 01:19:774 (79774|0,79953|0,80133|0,80359|0) and 3 note anchor on 01:21:437 (81437|1,81579|1,81758|1), re-arrange.
first thing to note, i am aware that this is keysounded and by that, some notes have the same keys/pitch but aren't on the same column. for example, 00:25:927 (25927|2,25927|3) is in [34] but the same sound on 00:26:286 (26286|0,26286|1) is placed on [12]. consistently doing this would logically make more sense. same with 00:27:004 (27004|1,27004|2,27408|2,27408|3), 00:28:091 (28091|1,28091|2,28495|0,28495|3), 00:51:043 (51043|0,51043|2,51357|0,51357|1), 00:55:316 (55316|3,55316|0,55630|0,55630|2) & and the others.
00:23:763 (23763|0,23763|2,23763|3,24122|1,24122|0,24122|2,24515|2,24515|3,24515|1) - i understand that this is supposed to distinguish the melody from the background piano, or some sort of layering between the two, but i also feel that a triple shouldn't be warranted here. this section of the music is pretty calm, as it gets more intense as it progresses. i feel that triples should be saved for later in the map
my suggestion -
what you can do to distinguish it is it turn these into 1/8 graces, it would still have a bit of a emphasis effect, but its also played slightly different, so people know that its representing the melody. u can still layer on the background and melody while not having a triple (technically lol). if u slow down the song, u can hear a very feint grace, so it would also represent the music more accurately
something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471868/f14f
u can also reduce the emphasis, adjust snaps, or adjust the lanes to your liking
00:28:829 - here when the violin starts, the emphasis begins to be very inconsistent. some places are triple, some are double, and those same repeating noises are sometimes represented as a single. it's very unclear representation
for example, 00:29:188 (29188|1,29188|3,29547|0,29547|3) are doubles, which is just piano background music, but then 00:29:921 (29921|1,30280|1) are suddenly singles. they all represent the piano backing, which is inconsistent. another example is starting at 00:32:121, there appears to be more triples present, even though the song intensity hasn't really changed at all. u also have places where there is no piano representation or layering at all (such as 01:09:160)
i understand your layering ideas here, and i think it's good, it just needs to be cleaned up a little
i have 3 approaches u could potentially take:
1 - what is sometimes used for ballad songs is that the first beat of every bar is just a single, then the other 2 are doubles https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/804921694065786901/1081645560542548101/image.png?width=300&height=675 .
2 - u could do what you're currently doing and have all 3 beats in a bar be a double. though this approach does work, it can sometimes feel like the map has no expression because everything is emphasized the same
3 - another approach is the inverse of the first suggestion. beat 1 is a double, beat 2 and 3 are singles https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/804921694065786901/1081645931692314684/image.png?width=271&height=674
i would highly discourage any triple usage, and save them for when it's really necessary, such as when a sound is clearly more intense than everything surrounding it.
to clean up the layering you originally intended, i would suggest strongly towards approach 1 or 3 listed above. that way you have singles in the mix to work with. if the piano ever is playing the melody, make that beat a double. all other piano remains a single, so when you have a violin on top of piano backing, it will create a double
whatever you choose, u should try to stay consistent so it's clear whats going on in the map. i've tried to elaborate as best as i can, but let me know if u need clarification on any points :]
this mod applies to the entire map
i'm going to mod the patterns of this diff as if it weren't a normal, otherwise the entire thing would be just pointing out rc breaks
there are two ways to approach this:
1: this can be a spread. the difficulty itself does not pass as a normal. the lowest difficulty you'd need for this drain time is a normal. i think this would be fine for the top diff, but you'd need some easier difficulties under it. maybe u can make this an enh spread or even enhi, theyd just all be low star rating and thats fine
2: you can keep this as a single difficulty, but ranking criteria issues need to be fixed, i'll point them out below incase you choose this option
any quotations are directly from this page https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Ranking_Criteria/osu%21mania#normal -
there r many places u can find gds if that's what you choose, u can always pm me if you need anything :]
assuming the difficulty is a normal, the OD and HP values are too high. the maximum is 7.5 for both HP and OD in normals
since the song doesnt go along perfectly with a metronome, a bunch of timing point resets will need to be done, it may not be as necessary in parts like 00:01:995, but getting as accurate of a timing as possible will naturally make notes line up better, for example, 00:36:576 (36576|3,36666|0) have sounds that line up, but the notes dont, having many timing points can resolve this issue