mapped by walmart5193
This beatmap was ranked on 10 July 2023!
nominated by Hydria and Shad0wStar
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BN Check -

Main highlights of mods:

  • Fixing inconsistency with emphasis
  • Fixing LN length and start time
  • Small additional fixes (anchors, placing triples sparingly)


hitsound placement check (aka move them from the storyboard to the note)
01:21:434 -
01:26:380 -
01:29:771 -


this should be fixed

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

check these on lower diffs too

Reopened by Hydria

checked the other diffs and removed the storyboard hitsounds

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

i do think the long note on 01:03:122, should be on 1/6th 01:03:062. and the long note on 01:03:302 be moved on 01:03:392. the long note on 01:04:364 (64364|1) move to 01:04:424. length of this long note 01:34:377 (94377|0) should end on 01:37:071. long note in 00:54:084 (54084|1) moves at 00:54:114.

permalink regarding 1:03:122, should it be like this?


yes that's correct.


thanks for the reassurance, i moved the lns around a bit

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

lastly, 01:12:880 (72880|3,73060|2,73239|3,73419|2,73599|3) - 5 note unintentional trill, you can re-arrange this. also disgusting 4 note anchor on 01:19:774 (79774|0,79953|0,80133|0,80359|0) and 3 note anchor on 01:21:437 (81437|1,81579|1,81758|1), re-arrange.


i re-arranged them to a more fitting sense. such as staircases and trills

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

first thing to note, i am aware that this is keysounded and by that, some notes have the same keys/pitch but aren't on the same column. for example, 00:25:927 (25927|2,25927|3) is in [34] but the same sound on 00:26:286 (26286|0,26286|1) is placed on [12]. consistently doing this would logically make more sense. same with 00:27:004 (27004|1,27004|2,27408|2,27408|3), 00:28:091 (28091|1,28091|2,28495|0,28495|3), 00:51:043 (51043|0,51043|2,51357|0,51357|1), 00:55:316 (55316|3,55316|0,55630|0,55630|2) & and the others.


im not the biggest fan of repeating notes over and over, so ill keep some the same as it is. but ill for sure make the changes.

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

00:23:763 (23763|0,23763|2,23763|3,24122|1,24122|0,24122|2,24515|2,24515|3,24515|1) - i understand that this is supposed to distinguish the melody from the background piano, or some sort of layering between the two, but i also feel that a triple shouldn't be warranted here. this section of the music is pretty calm, as it gets more intense as it progresses. i feel that triples should be saved for later in the map

my suggestion -
what you can do to distinguish it is it turn these into 1/8 graces, it would still have a bit of a emphasis effect, but its also played slightly different, so people know that its representing the melody. u can still layer on the background and melody while not having a triple (technically lol). if u slow down the song, u can hear a very feint grace, so it would also represent the music more accurately

something like this

u can also reduce the emphasis, adjust snaps, or adjust the lanes to your liking


not the greatest fan of graces, but it does sound better with the chart. ill keep it

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

00:28:829 - here when the violin starts, the emphasis begins to be very inconsistent. some places are triple, some are double, and those same repeating noises are sometimes represented as a single. it's very unclear representation

for example, 00:29:188 (29188|1,29188|3,29547|0,29547|3) are doubles, which is just piano background music, but then 00:29:921 (29921|1,30280|1) are suddenly singles. they all represent the piano backing, which is inconsistent. another example is starting at 00:32:121, there appears to be more triples present, even though the song intensity hasn't really changed at all. u also have places where there is no piano representation or layering at all (such as 01:09:160)
i understand your layering ideas here, and i think it's good, it just needs to be cleaned up a little

i have 3 approaches u could potentially take:
1 - what is sometimes used for ballad songs is that the first beat of every bar is just a single, then the other 2 are doubles .
2 - u could do what you're currently doing and have all 3 beats in a bar be a double. though this approach does work, it can sometimes feel like the map has no expression because everything is emphasized the same
3 - another approach is the inverse of the first suggestion. beat 1 is a double, beat 2 and 3 are singles

i would highly discourage any triple usage, and save them for when it's really necessary, such as when a sound is clearly more intense than everything surrounding it.

to clean up the layering you originally intended, i would suggest strongly towards approach 1 or 3 listed above. that way you have singles in the mix to work with. if the piano ever is playing the melody, make that beat a double. all other piano remains a single, so when you have a violin on top of piano backing, it will create a double

whatever you choose, u should try to stay consistent so it's clear whats going on in the map. i've tried to elaborate as best as i can, but let me know if u need clarification on any points :]

this mod applies to the entire map


that was a lot of advice, i think i got it down, if i didn't please reply and ill try to fix it

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

i'm going to mod the patterns of this diff as if it weren't a normal, otherwise the entire thing would be just pointing out rc breaks

there are two ways to approach this:
1: this can be a spread. the difficulty itself does not pass as a normal. the lowest difficulty you'd need for this drain time is a normal. i think this would be fine for the top diff, but you'd need some easier difficulties under it. maybe u can make this an enh spread or even enhi, theyd just all be low star rating and thats fine
2: you can keep this as a single difficulty, but ranking criteria issues need to be fixed, i'll point them out below incase you choose this option

any quotations are directly from this page -

there r many places u can find gds if that's what you choose, u can always pm me if you need anything :]


alrighty, will grab some gds for this, thank you!

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

fixed unsnapped notes

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

assuming the difficulty is a normal, the OD and HP values are too high. the maximum is 7.5 for both HP and OD in normals



Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

personally, i think the offset should be 1187 instead of 1167, note appears to play slightly sooner than when the first note piano plays as it is rn


been there, done that.

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny

since the song doesnt go along perfectly with a metronome, a bunch of timing point resets will need to be done, it may not be as necessary in parts like 00:01:995, but getting as accurate of a timing as possible will naturally make notes line up better, for example, 00:36:576 (36576|3,36666|0) have sounds that line up, but the notes dont, having many timing points can resolve this issue


*note, this also resolves the issue of the nightcore drums being offbeat from the song


fixed, tyty

Marked as resolved by ERA Sunny