this is so funny i found this song today wanted to map it then saw oh there is already set rip maybe lets try full ver oh wait nvm a set has already been made of the full ver aswell. Now it's qualified on the same day congrats songs a banger
So drink up 🍻⬆️ , get wasted 🥴️🤢 We only got one shot ☝🔫 , let's waste it 🗑️️ They'll never remember 🙅🧠 what your name is 🔤 No one gives a fuck 🤷🖕 if you're internet famous 🌐🥳️️ So stay up 🚫🛌 , get tattoos 🖋🦵️️ Make out with a stranger 💋🥰️️ in the bathroom 🚻 It's okay to scream it 😆🔊 , if you have to We're totally fucked 😵💀 Life sucks 🌱👎