mapped by IWEJ
This beatmap was ranked on 9 March 2025!
nominated by Firika and Chaoslitz
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00:00:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern may be too repetitive for newer players and could be tiresome to hit consistent 1/4. maybe include a 1/2 somewhere to break the long chain of 1/4?


I'd prefer to keep this as is for song representation purposes, there's a 1/2 gap between all but the last 2 of the 1/4 sliders already and it's early enough that new players can retry without much frustration/play the easy instead :D

Marked as resolved by IWEJ

01:11:472 (5) - song doesnt support this 1/4, could just remove this to be consistent with 01:11:163 (4,1)


Leaving this as is, there's a bass drum on the sliderend of 01:11:472 (5) and it's consistent elsewhere at like 00:17:039 (5,1), 01:21:369 (1,2)

Marked as resolved by IWEJ

02:30:956 (1) - could move this a tad so its not touching 02:30:182 (4), (for aes) :D


Good catch, fixed!

Marked as resolved by IWEJ

02:45:802 (4) - slider end may be obstructed and not clear; to avoid any confusion, you could do something like this


I'd prefer to keep this one as is aesthetically, I don't think this half overlap is any more confusing than 02:50:750 (1,2) but i'm open to more opinions if people feel strongly :D

Marked as resolved by IWEJ

02:50:754 (1,2) - are less confusing because their slider ends are clear, with this slider, the slider body is covering the slider end so it may be unclear. why not just change it to where the slider body/end is obvious? It states in the RC for normal diffs states that: "Every slider must have a clear and visible path of movement to follow from start to end."

Reopened by Delta_

plz ignore my horrible grammar ;w;


Sorry but I really think the sliderend for this one isn't a problem even with the partial overlap. The RC you shared with full context is for burai sliders and I don't think the path is ambiguous/not clear even for the normal diff audience (though I think the rc could be worded better?). If the sliderend lined up perfectly with the sliderbody at the center of the loop i'd agree! But currently going to leave this as is still D:

Marked as resolved by IWEJ