i can't open the soundcloud link idk why
Cytus II CytusII japanese pop jpop pop video game videogame Lushifer Creamy Candy CreamyCandy Dahkjdas Rora Aurora on osu AuroraOnOsu illmenate ill menate Takenoko boy moimoi moi moi
For all diffs apart from Hard, there appear to be multiple issues with the hitsounds:
Kicks appear to be not hitsounded (but the snares are) which would add a lot to the depth of hitsounding. Id reccomend you hitsound kicks in all difficulties
Toms are hitsounded with soft h-hitwhistles (for example 00:44:996 (5,6,7) - ), hitsounds should make sense with both customs and defaults where possible, and a much more fitting default sample for these toms would be using a custom drum-hitclap.
This will also free up the soft-hitwhistle to be used for additive hitsounding, you can then place these where the vocal is actively mapped to compliment it.
Ideally you should change the background due to the vertical resoluting being so low (2560 x 944).
This may also lead to some unwanted scaling and cropping by the osu client as it tried to fit this unusual aspect ratio to more standard aspect ratios, and also leads to higher than neccesary file sizes.
Played Insane diff and was really good - audio is super compressed though, are you able to find a better quality version?
soft-hitwhistle2.wav and soft-hitwhistle3.wav have 9ms period of complete silence at the start.
I fixed them for you:
im not sure but
1st timing point offset is 1970
2nd timing point is right
3rd is 82632
4th timing point offset is 83796
5th is 85205
6th is 85439
7th is 86416
if any of these are the offset that the beatmap uses then i couldnt figure which ones i moved
In osu editor, the 2nd red tick is already snapped at the same white tick as with your offset at 1st red tick. Also it's the same BPM, so it's unnecessary. And yes, I did test deleting this and it doesn't mess up the rest of the map's object snapping.
You don't need a music degree to argue about timing.
i deleted the red tick before and it was fine without it so it should be fine with it gone, but it was readded
The 2nd red tick acts as the start of the song downbeat in the song.
Yes, it can work without the 2nd red tick, but it will not align with the current song's downbeat, which is counterintuitive to how timing works in the song.
Also, I don't think you need a music degree but at least you need to know some basic stuff to make sure what you suggest is true or false.
okay already you NEED to add to tags : lushifer creamy creamy_candy dahkjdas rora aurora_on_osu rora_on_osu
i would add hachimakoto_cat so then if someone searches for ur old name they find the map