mapped by ImChro
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 22 December 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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13:366 the 1/8 should come before not after. I dont like the 1/8 there but it definitely fits. I think around after 1:02:009 could be remapped. It definitely doesn't feel fitting or as fun just being dense. I think you got this, but my example would be (X for space/no note 1/4) XooXoXoooooXXooXooooo There are a few sections like this I feel like could fit better but I love how the map is turning out! Keep up good work


thanks for the correction on 13:366, should realize it sooner and i've remap some patterns including on 1:02:009 like you said. Been wanting to nerf the map but didnt know how without ruining it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Marked as resolved by ImChro

You've done a pretty great job mapping! Yeah figuring out what stuff to keep and what stuff to get rid of is a huge pain. Honestly as long as you can follow the beat well and it fits there is a lot of different rhythm you can try... although it is time consuming
