mapped by Reed_405
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Could you smoothen the SVs in all section in this diff? I found that there is a lot of choppy SVs in some section and it looks not appealing in gameplay, some transition also feels pretty awkward due to lack of smooth SVing, i would mention the most noticeable one:

  • 00:17:377 ~ 00:18:788 - i think you're trying to make this have gradual increase from x0,87 -> x1,00. However, some note aren't affected with the SV and as an result it bring static effect instead of speed up, for example at (00:18:435).
  • 00:42:083 ~ 00:42:788 - here also have unclear SV transitition as it just use a single SV line, some gradual increase SVs could be applied here.
  • 01:02:553 ~ 01:06:612 - almost same reason with first concern.

This is just a few, there is still a lot of SVs that needs to be smoothen in other section, you're an experienced mapper, so i will trust you in fix this issue in other section.

To fix all of the issue here, i would advise you to use frukotool to help you smoothen the SV much easily and less time consuming. This will took more effort to fix, but i believe by fixing this it would make the gameplay looks more dynamic.

permalink here's the download link for frukotool, just in case if you don't have it. If you need help after you smoothen the SVs, just lmk.


#4105640/10949797 this issue appear in this diff as well. So could consider fixing it (resnap all notes).


you can check it again, updated almost all sv thats kinda weird
