mapped by ItzArtic
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00:24:666 - 00:51:999 - etc hiyo sorry this was a lapse of judgment, I forgot to mention it last time but multiple 1/2 repeats such as these are unrankable for Normal diffs above 180bpm

01:13:333 - bits from this section would also have to be remapped too, sorry dawg


will fix these in line with #4863672 and rework end section


DS starting from 00:30:665 until 01:13:332 is not for a normal diff. The current one is passed from 0.9x to 1.3x which it's a radical change considering the intensity choosen before and this is so unexpected since you just raised your SV from 1.00x to 1.20x. Current patterns look very distant from each other, considering also RC guideline 1/2 notes should overlap each other on the playfield

Consider to not change or minimize spacing change keeping it as 0.9x/1.0x and also density will decrease with it. You can find a similar issue on this difficulty

ex: You can do patterns similar at 01:18:166 (3,1,2) - etc. just they are visibly overlapped
