First timing still needs to be moved. As i can see, i think -4 would match better.
i still hear some off sync with 00:10:015, i would suggest to use something similar at this
16,333.333333333333,4,2,0,100,1,0 9349,331.491712707182,4,2,0,100,1,0 10011,320.855614973262,4,2,0,100,1,0 10333,333.333333333333,4,2,0,20,1,0 10666,333.333333333333,4,2,0,20,1,0
Tags on Hard diff are in conflict with all other diffs, make sure to copy paste all the tags on all your difficulties
Unused files.
drum-hitclap.wav drum-hitclap2.wav normal-hitclap.wav normal-hitclap2.wav soft-sliderslide.wav soft-slidertick.wav soft-sliderwhistle.wav
Current hitsounds are lacking of feedback on the most of the instruments, this lead to a misinterpretation song and we don't wanna this happens, you would add whistle on some piano like 00:09:353 00:10:333 00:10:499 00:10:999 00:11:166 00:11:665 etc.
what about to add a normal-hitclap
on sounds like 00:10:019 00:11:332 00:12:665 00:13:999 etc. i think it would improve the music rappresentation
00:18:666 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - as Hard as Sunshine, hitclap sounds quite strong again, i would go with whistles instead
from 00:30:665 to 00:51:332 there's an absence of kick appresentation as well, try to identify all kick starting from these hints 00:30:665 00:30:999 00:31:999 00:32:332 etc.
00:31:332 00:32:665 etc. default drum-hitclap
sounds wrong for me, what about to change this sound with a soft-hitclap
from 00:09:353 to 00:30:665 would fit better a volume around ~40/45%
from 00:30:665 to 01:13:332 would fit better a volume around ~65/70%
from 01:13:332 to 01:32:665 would fit better a volume around 50/55%
01:32:665 what about to increase the volume to ~30/35%
Referring on past mods like this, section from 00:30:665 to 00:51:332 you're currently using just a pattern to cover the whole song.
All difficulties have this kind of problem which patterns repeats each other on the whole section, for example normal has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - , hard has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2) - and Sunshine has this 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2) - , i know it's the same rhythm but doing similar patterns without changing rhythm costruction would lead to a lack of variation patterning and boring section since the poor patterning choice cause the aggressive repetition of this. I'm sure you can do a lot of good rhythm variation with similar beats and i'm gonna point out someone for you for every diff:
-> i see you're often repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3) -, what about to vary with rhythms like these
same will impact on 00:52:665 - 01:11:665
-> you're often repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,1) -, i think you can make some different rhythm basing on these examples
-> you're repeating this pattern 00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - , since you're introducing 3/4 rhythms i think you have more variation choices like these examples
Hard + Sunshine.
These diffs, basing on section contrast, look like too similar for the all their sections, it does not follow a difficulty contrast considering the visual spacing of 00:09:353 - 00:27:999 vs 00:30:665 - 01:11:999 quite similar or the same except for SV. A good diff needs to identify and show how sections are different from each other giving more or less mapping intensity referring on song's intentions, your current situation is you are not following anything about it making these sections look like the same.
I'm pretty sure you are more inclined to decrease intensity on this section 00:09:353 - 00:27:999 since it's the quiest section comparing to the next one
-> you could decrease your DS to something like 1.2x + make more 1/2 stack patterns like 00:10:499 (2,3) - 00:13:166 (2,3) - etc.
-> you could decrease your SV to 0.80x since your shapes look so fast rn
said two notes are anarcuses
the downbeat starts at 00:10:666 - and you can tell that because the important beats such as 00:11:999 - 00:14:665 - etc are 1 tempo away from the current downbeat my ranked map has anarcuses
first note =/= downbeat, it's nuanced
oop sorry i did not see this till now, so i should put timing point on down beat (00:10:666) to keep the musical structure of the timeline (big white ticks on down beats) but the 2 notes before should still be snapped to 00:10:666 offset right?
in this case should i have two timing points here? i think if you could send me an image of what the timing at this point should look like, it would be very helpful
Remove your name in the metadata. Unless you've ranked a song under a different name there's really no reason to put it there.
Artist: leon chang
Title: frog summer
Tags: ~ fleeting moments ~ DESKPOP music electronic
there are more miscellaneous tags but please add these ones