Hey o/ uhhh... don't you think it would be a good idea to add an epilepsy warning to all diffs? The video is kinda flashy after all
not really fine, its way worse in some parts than stuff that uses warnings like https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1969316#osu/4087819 for example
its literally one click of a button not that hard to fix
i actually think both are ok, the pianos are pretty intense at the intro but you can interpret it in two opposite ways - "it has alt vibe" (135) and "it doesn't have alt vibe" (270)
so if you want to go for 135 im ok with that
OK now i think
抱歉問了下fiery,從00:21:674 - 到下一條4/4的紅線之間不需要任何額外timing,所以第二點不需要改的
(其實可以參考taiko的timing https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1803208#taiko/3698874 )
lots of 5-note stream hitsound missing for anxient, lealu & r3m's diffs, like 00:55:369 (2,4) - 00:58:905 (5) - 01:00:512 (3,5) - etc.
true but i was just following the arcaea barlines (https://youtu.be/lKt_jwznDoo) but both work either way
i think in hitsound point of view you can change this 01:17:522 (1) - to N C1 finisher maybe will sound better