00:23:689 (1,2,3,4) - maybe make the spacing on 00:23:839 (3,4) - larger than 00:23:689 (1,2) - since the pitch there is higher
the spacing between (1,2) and (3,4) should be enough to represent the pitch imo, since there is no 1/4 jump on 00:23:614 (4,1)
01:04:039 (3) -maybe make this 2 circles to distinguish this from 01:03:439 (3) - since the sounds are different
01:07:339 (1) - maybe NC like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17967523/aba4 since sounds like 01:07:339 and 01:07:489 or 01:07:789 and 01:07:939 (4) - sound like a group
did something similar, started the NCs on 01:07:789 (1) and 01:08:239 (1) instead but for the same reasoning
01:11:314 (2,4) - maybe use different sliders here from 01:10:639 (3) - since they represent completely different sounds
also for 01:11:089 (1) - maybe use a rhythm like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17967528/8743 since the strong sound(snare+ vocal) is on 01:11:389 while it is currently on a sliderend
changed 01:10:639 (3) to be different from 01:11:314 (2,4)
As for the rhythm, I feel like not every individual sound has to be mapped actively, and here the active focus is on one specific sound. It would feel weird to change focus at the very end of the section, especially when the blue tick rhythm is much more interesting and fun to play imo.
01:16:789 for this section, maybe consider lowering the sv of the part until 01:19:114 since currently the sv is the same as 01:19:189 (1,2,3) - but the later part is way more intense , consider lowering it to 1.3-1.5x
if the concern is the difference between this section 01:19:189 (1) and this section 01:21:589 (1), I think it will be better to raise the sv in the latter section instead.
That way, since each straight slider section is lower in pitch than the previous, it will have a nice progression (1.7x->1.6x->1.5x)