Should have fixed those, I'll ask someone more experienced in hitsounds than me to doublecheck
00:18:740 - 266 sounds better, next one is 270?
00:26:920 - i think just 263 works better for next downbeat
00:58:442 - this sounds a bit later, add 00:58:442 - line here with 260 ithink and snap next line accordingly 00:59:353 - + change it so it snaps later on too
01:01:234 - 260?
01:48:333 - 260
02:00:431 - 257
02:29:482 - 256 + add a line 02:31:356 - to adjust for next downbeat
you currently have a light insane which looks like insane and insane which looks like expert, beneficial if you rename light insane to insane and insane to expert
since you have an extra gd by share already, you can rename your diff to extra as well since it wont harm any ranking elements, it will just represent 2 extras by 2 different people. And I do think renaming light insane and insane diffs are required bcuz if you open aimod in light insane it shows "Insane" instead and in insane its marked as "Expert"
Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Purin Purin Boron Nururu Rero Rero
ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero ?
I have a suggestion for the tags:
"ぶっ生き返す Bu-ikikaesu bitboymusic bitboy RafaSahaja35 ZevinLevin i_am_very_gay Kataryn KurtZenN tutis プリン ボロン ヌルル レロ chu muni mura purin boron nururu rero rero fuwa foof フワフワ フーフ japanese rock"
An yeah there's no source for the song, idk if there is really any but from what I can see it's not from a particular game, anime or movie