00:13:136 (3) - i think having some kind of movement (spaced from 00:12:971 (2) - a bit ) for this object would be ideal since there's a strong instrument and It feels kinda underwhelming rn IMO.
00:21:292 (1,2) - would work better as a 1/2 slider or much smaller spaced circles since there isn't a drum on 00:21:457 - and would make the build up in spacing feel a lot better too
00:21:786 (2) - 00:22:116 (2) - i'd also probably space these out a bit more to make the build up more buildy upy yknow
00:23:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - i think these can be lower spacing than 00:25:246 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - cuz pitch increased on the 2nd stream i linked
00:25:163 (1,2) - i think u can switch ncs cuz this should start in white tick instead of blue cuz of the guitar hits at white tick not blue
^ this applies to the turn of the stream as well cuz rn 00:25:163 (1) - tihs turns in blue tick while the impactful guitar change is on 00:25:246 (2) -
00:36:284 (4) - 00:41:555 (4) - would be nice to have whistles on these for the guitar cus they feel a bit empty rn
00:55:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ngl considering how intense u made the streams around 00:23:918 -u could definitely make this one feel way more intense by for example buffing spacing more as this is a very clear buildup to the last chorus, yet the spacing doesnt make it feel that way
agreege, think initial stream spacing is fine but should build up to higher spacing that what is currently used
personally i don't really see those two streams being relatable to each other at all since the second one is a build up and the first one is overlaying the rest of the song, so i don't see a reason to compare them given the context of both of them is so different.
i think the 2nd stream handles the build up pretty well and the first one being mainly consistent also fits the music pretty well there too, and the very tiny spacing adjustments to match the slow steps in pitch that happen during the first stream are pretty cool too imo. i don't think anything needs changing here, since i feel it'd be a bit too overboard vs the actual pitch changes in the guitar
00:55:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be cool to make this stream a little smaller spaced, maybe 0.8x ds instead of 0.9 to further emphasise the build up in the rest of the stream
01:07:410 (1) - feels very noticably mistimed - 1/5 reverse is more accurate, additionally +10 offset for this might be beneficial
I really don't think that 1/5 is more accurate, maybe try my timing
I think timing like
makes most sense, would fix both mods.