00:14:516 (3,4,1) - Comparing the spacing here with the spacing of the circles before and after it is difficult for beginners because the spacing is completely different.
00:30:454 (6) - sv decrease in the middle of the map is discouraged, due to strict rules on normal diff, sometimes not mapping anything is also a solution
00:31:625 (5) - tbh feels like the slider ends on a stronger sound than it started on would suggest you remove 00:31:625 (5) - and add a circle on 00:31:860 - that way you get a 1/1 gap to create the 1/2 chain and get this kind of circle burst on 00:31:860 -
Thanks for pointing this out. I tried your suggestion which worked well, but i decided to go with the rhythm i used at 00:24:360 (4,1,2,3) - because i realized it's basically the same instruments/vocals
00:52:954 (1) - "There should be at least 2 beats between a spinner's end and the next object." -RC
try 4 circles, long slider or just dont map
01:07:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - theres a lot of these long chains of active 1/2 in ur 2nd kiai which may be too difficult for newer players. I know bpm is low but ranking criteria suggests a max of 3 active 1/2, here u have 5. Try changing to some sliders like slider at 01:08:657 and 01:09:125, leaving 1/1 gap
I definitely kept this in mind, but like you said since the BPM is low (near 120bpm), https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Ranking_Criteria/Scaling_BPM suggests that i can have almost constant chains of 1/2 notes, so i think i'll leave it
01:16:157 (3) - I would p end this slider on the white tick instead, since vocals end there and just skip over the second drum beat in favour of hitting both vocals and drums.
01:26:235 (5,6,7) - tbh would highly advise against this for normal diff. like 01:26:235 (5,6,7) - is hella different from these kinds of 1/4 patterns 01:23:657 (3,4) - 00:02:797 (3,4) - etc...
true, i tried 2 1/2 circles, but that didn't seem right since 01:24:829 (1,2,3,4) - isn't a 1/2 rhythm, so i ended going with a 1/2 slider instead