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i feel like the section in 00:12:860 ~ 00:27:235 is a bit too dense with 1/2 patterns than in the kiais, which have significantly less 1/2 5-plets, even though the kiais are much tenser musically than 00:12:860 ~ 00:27:235

perhaps you could improve the density to better contrast the tensity in these sections, for instance consider the following:

  • delete 00:16:297 00:26:297?
    the tensity here is similar to 01:14:110 ~ 01:23:485 where there isn't as much 5-plets, thus you could make the density more consistent between this latter section

  • optional, but maybe even add 00:45:047 00:50:047 01:36:297 01:41:297, this would increase the 5-plets in the kiais to further contrast with the density in the other less tense sections


okay.del & 01:36:297 - & 01:41:297 - added.

Marked as resolved by Charlotte