i'll just be honest
if you want to rank it you won't do it. you still need to practice but hey, somehow you need to start :)
map isn't rankable but it's okay (except this - #3701540)
but what i want to say just keep practicing in editor and someday you'll realize that you know more than you wanted
(and yes i'm aware that my mapping skill isn't perfect, ofc. but you don't need to be a beatmap nominator to say that map isn't rankable, you can just see it)
I will try to make it short but i think the main issue i have with this diff is that you have little or no contrast with part (there is the solo that is clearly different) 00:21:001 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - for exemple we have this in the first couplet and then 00:57:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this is the kiai, the issue is that the whole section is kinda similar to the rest. From 00:13:556 here to 02:37:640 here i don't really see a difference in rythm + spacing you need to emphasis more and to do that you can for exemple 00:21:658 (3,4,5,6) - map this as slider and not circle, to have the chorus as a part that use lot of circle and slow that barely use circle. Same applies here 00:28:666 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - for exemple
I think the big impactful drumbeats should be emphasized on the start of the sliders rather than it's end tail, pretty cool map tho.
Delayed hit sounds:
"drum-hitnormal2.wav" has a 14 ms period of complete silence at the start.
"normal-hitwhistle.wav" has a delay of ~8 ms, of which 1 ms is complete silence.
"normal-hitclap2.wav" has a delay of ~10 ms, of which 0 ms is complete silence.
"drum-hitwhistle.wav" has a delay of ~8 ms, of which 1 ms is complete silence.
Might want to check that out, I'm not exactly sure on how to fix it (maybe audacity and cut it?), but mapset verifier highlights it as a problem!
tag problems use problem stamps, plus the mapper's typically supposed to resolve them. Anyways, resolving.
2* Slider back too long, and u need to put the difficulty at 3/3,5 no more. 3* Need to made more space between the slides and circles, and replace it for make a smooth gameplay. 4* The circles as too small. U need to put the difficulty at 5 no more. And I think for a 4* map the jumps is too discarded. 5* AR is too fast, just put around 9. The circles is too smal again, and the jump is too spaced. Here is, but nice work ! keep going and u will make a great map soon ! ^^