i have some things to mention:
on storyboards here 01:35:133 - and here 06:12:949 - the "F" letter is cutted cuz of the dot above the "i" letter
and i think those sliders 05:14:843 (1) - 05:17:370 (1) - don't fit the rest of the map. when i was checking through the map all sliders were cool but then i saw them imo these sliders break the mood of this map and also feels like low effort for me. i'd like too see them changed but it's up to you
03:21:639 (3) - nc here and remove from 03:21:792 (1) - here since you're ncing vocals
you could also add nc here 03:21:946 (2) - and remove from here 03:22:100 (1) -
02:52:562 (1) - you could add on this slider drum slidertick hitsounds to make it more impact while playing with hitsounds (also the same hitsound on the slider end)
if you don't wanna to change the sliders completely maybe at least to do something like this?
imo it'd fit more than it's in the current way