00:03:451 (3451|0) - ends at 00:03:710
00:04:141 (4141|2) - ends at 00:04:356
00:04:486 (4486|0) - ends at 00:04:701
00:04:831 (4831|2) - ends at 00:05:089
00:41:038 (41038|2) - increase to 1/1 and rearrange the following notes a bit
00:42:245 (42245|1) - same here
Some snaps I can agree with but others not.
I've changed short vocals at 00:03:796 - 00:04:141 - 00:04:486 - 00:04:831 - to 1/4 with some rearranging for comfort.
I've also changed 00:41:038 - to 1/1 to accurately be consistent with other powerful long vocals such as 00:46:211 - 00:51:728 - etc
however some of your snaps seem odd to me. two of the snaps you ask me to snap to 1/12 snap. I dont think it needs to be that extreme. Other snaps at blue line I would prefer to keep at 1/4 for playing consistency.
00:12:072 you could rearrange the notes to something similar to this https://imgur.com/a/KJ44f7B to balance out the part a little bit. there are a lot of consecutive notes in col 1 and 4 (obviously rearrange the following part too if you accept this suggestion)
00:18:280 extend all 3 lns to 1/1 and move 00:18:624 (18624|0) into another column as the vocals change in pitch here
well yeah i think its obvious that the vocals change pitch. but changing LNs feels boring and loses some of its character. I put them in the same column intentionally to create a certain repetitious feeling that I believe portrays this part nicely.
I dont have any graces in the entire map, so adding one here would feel too sudden and out of place. I prefer to keep the current double as the accent of the tom. There are also other places such as 01:31:900 - that could potentially have graces, but again I prefer to keep the double to keep simplicity.
the vocals arent being ignored. the sound of the vocal changes to a much shorter and softer type of vocal here. the vocal is accented here 00:38:280 (38280|3,38452|3,38624|1,38797|1,38969|1) -
that completely ignores the patterning style that ive built up the entire song
00:43:797 (43797|1,43969|1) - two quick vocal sounds are represented by shield as they always have been.
00:45:348 (45348|3) - does not have short vocal before it so it needs to be on its own, moving the note before it to col 4 would ruin this.